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The Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                23

               The author of the series, “Is Judaism the Religion of Mo- free magazine as learning material to see more light in
               ses” is indeed Ernest L. Martin, who unfortunately passed the truth of God. Please also kindly advise me which
               away some months ago. Before his death we were able to Bible version is to be used, because it is another prob-
               obtain a number a number of his writings for inclusion in lem. My mailing address is...
               the BV magazine.
                                                               Best regards,
               Regarding donations, the Euros are fine, but we take quite C. L. L.
               a “hit” for converting them to US dollars. If possible, US China
               dollars are preferable due to the conversion fee we have to
               pay for other currencies.                       COMMENT: While many claim that the King
                                                               James Version of the Bible is the most accurate, it has
                                     ***                       been corrupted (especially in the New Testament) by
                                                               translators with preconceived doctrinal views. With
               Dear John,                                      this in mind, some of the more modern versions, such
                                                               as (strangely enough) The New American Bible, are
               I just want to say thank you for your website!!!! I have more accurate overall. Also, the Complete Jewish Bi-
               been looking for a calendar that would line up the High ble by David H. Stern is good. A good check for the
               Sabbaths on the actual Sabbath Day. I had a problem with Old Testament is The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible -- which
               the Saturday sabbaths falling in the middle of the “week clearly shows if any changes etc. have taken place over
               long feast.” It didn’t sit right with me. There really are not the centuries. We should keep in mind that any transla-
               many followers of the lunar sabbath, and your calendar I tion, whether it be from the original Hebrew or Greek,
               think nails it as close as it comes.            contains translation errors due to a lack of understand-
                                                               ing of the idiom of the day, or due to preconceived
               Thank you for your diligent work! May YHVH Bless ideas of the translators.
               Also, I would like to ask permission to send you an article I
               read on the words “Dusk” and “Dawn.” It has nothing to Dear John:
               do with going against your site’s beliefs or trying to prove
               anyone wrong, it is just an area that may have been over- Just read your piece and as usual your analysis is mas-
               looked by many seeking truth.                   terful but the conclusion........

               Sincerely, S.                                   You show conclusively that Mt. Sinai/Horeb was a
                                                               volcano and yet opt for Jebel al Lauz which is-
               COMMENT: Yes, feel free to send the article to us -- n’t??????????
               we will read it with an open mind and compare it to
               YEHOVAH’s Word.                                 Please see our new discoveries on the site which shows
                                                               conclusively that Moses walked from Yemen to
                                     ***                       Mecca. ALL the Torah names of the way stations are
                                                               found on that direct route...... It is NOT sufficient to
               Dear brothers and sisters,                      find Mt. Sinai, you have also to find the 42 names men-
                                                               tioned in the Torah where the Israelites stopped or
               I am a Christian from Shanghai, China where the re- passed.
               sources to learn about the truth of God are very rare. Eng-
               lish is my second language. I hope that I can receive your Ever, M.

              The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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