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22                                                              The Hope of Israel Mail Bag

               Hope things are well with you and yours. A few days ago I not accomplish as much as you do. Yours is my favour-
               received the Sept/Oct. Issue of the BV and it was a plea- ite magazine, there are a few others which have merit
               sure to read myself. Yes, I am well aware of the Original but the BV and Myron’s Disciples of Truth outshine
               Bible Project, in fact I have written these people repeat- them all. However, though I am no follower of either
               edly and also sent a donation but so far I have not received Armstrong or Flurry, as far as analyzing current world
               one page of their first book of the Bible Genesis. They events is concerned there is nothing like the Philadel-
               keep sending me envelopes and informing those interested phia Trumpet, credit to whom credit is due.
               about their progress. I was surprised to read that according
               to you he, James Tabor, has almost completed his transla- One final question: do you have many readers in Spain
               tion. Well, I would not want to call it “his translation” be- and in the affirmative anyone near to where I live,
               cause there are many people involved though I am sure he Benidorm, a seaside resort between Alicante and Va-
               pushes the project, but as far as I know it was Ernest L. lencia on the coast of Spain? O yes, before I forget,
               Martin, who is no longer of this world, started the project. your contributor Ernest Martin, is he the same as Er-
               But who started or will finish the project is not important nest L. Martin or a relative? EM’s article “Is Judaism
               but that it gets finished at all and about that I am not so the Religion of Moses” is extremely interesting, I can
               sure. Repeatedly asking that a copy of the first book of now understand why Yashua ranted against the Jewish
               Genesis be sent did not result in any response whatsoever establishment and also have a reply to those who be-
               and as the attached letter proves the end of this project is lieve that the Jews are right in every respect and that
               not in sight, not even Genesis is complete. Well, I know I Yashua followed the same calendar as they did. Would
               sometimes have too big a mouth for my own good but I it be possible to bring all these articles together in one
               smell a rat, I am rather inclined to believe that it is all a big book for further study, you can count me in and I will
               hoax. All these progress reports sound the same but I see be pleased to pay for it. Enclosed is a donation, I hope
               little progress. If letters do not get answered and donations Euros are acceptable since it is and will be one of the
               do not get acknowledged then I am becoming more and more if not most important currencies of the present
               more skeptical.                                 and the future. May the Holy One of Israel bless you
                                                               and yours and support you all the way to the end of
               So much for this Bible project, may be one day we should time.
               start a project of our own after all because I am convinced
               that there is a lot of knowledge amongst many brethren Yours sincerely,
               who are interested in the truth of the Bible, like you are and J. Ben Y.
               MM and I myself, who are willing to study the Bible “to Spain
               see whether this were so.” If, as the churches claim, we all
               have His spirit then how come there is so much division, COMMENT: As far as the Original Bible Project
               with His spirit we would all think along similar lines but it goes, I have personally received their binder and the
               does not happen and I do not see it happen ever, not until Book of Genesis of what they call The Transparent
               Yashua comes back on the clouds. There cannot be differ- English Version (TEV). According to the letters I
               ent spirits, there is One only and it emanates from the Fa- have received from Tabor, he/they have almost fin-
               ther and the Son.                               ished the translation -- however I have not received
                                                               anything beyond the Book of Genesis. Time will tell if
               I also read your comment on what Myron Martin wrote you indeed “smell a rat”!
               and you and Myron have much in common as far as fam-
               ily, job and bringing out the truth of the Bible is concerned. Unfortunately, we do not have many readers in Spain,
               I hope you have others to help you as otherwise your fam- but I will let you know if the readership increases in
               ily would see little of you. Quite frankly I do not know that part of the world.
               how you manage and unless the Father is with you could

                                                                      The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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