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20                                                              The Hope of Israel Mail Bag

                Letters from Our Readers...

                The Hope of Israel Mail Bag

                                                              Dear beloved Brother in the name of our Redeemer
               Dear Sirs:                                     Joshua the Messiah!

               I came across your web site at the library and I down- I am glad to introduce myself that I am the preacher of
               loaded some of your articles. I don’t have a computer my- Yahweh serving at Siddantham and Mulaparru sur-
               self and at 10 cents a page it’s getting expensive.  rounding villages preaching and teaching the Living
                                                              Word of Almighty Yahweh and Joshua and keeping the
               Could you please enter my subscription to The Berean Sabbath on every seventh day and remaining days I and
               Voice. Also please send me a copy of your Aztec and co-workers are conducting the Gospel camps, distribut-
               Maya Indian articles and the one on Odin’s throne? I can’t ing the Gospel literature among Christian, the Athens
               remember the exact name. Thank you very much.  Idolatry worship people and contrary to the Yahweh.
                                                              Many people are listening, finding and recognizing the
               H.S.                                           facts, truth of Yahweh and Joshua the Messiah and ac-
               Ohio                                           cepting the Yahweh as their Heavenly Father and
                                                              Joshua the Messiah as redeemer and savior and attend-
                                    ***                       ing to the Sabbath worship and living spiritually in the
                                                              name of Joshua.
               Dear Sir/Madam:
                                                              The believers are very poor depending on labour works
               I am an incarcerated inmate in the Arizona Prison System, and some time they are suffering much and starving due
               and unable to get money to purchase information from to lack of daily bread, clothing etc. So pray for them.
               your organization. It is my sincere hope that you will be They are unable to give offerings by their penury situa-
               able to donate to me any new or used (book/lets) dealing tion. By our economic, financial and due to lack of of-
               with the Messiah and the question of his preexistence; I fering from poor and needy congregations members we
               would like to receive information dealing with the correct are facing many problems and turnings and also the ser-
               7th day Sabbath commandment, if you can.       vice of Yahweh layment and handicapped. So pray for
                                                              this reason to carry forward to keep the Sabbath on sev-
               I am truly hopeful that you can grant my request.  enth day and conduct the Gospel camps and bring more
                                                              souls for coming Joshua the Messiah.
               Most sincerely,
               M.C.                                           Please send me more literature of books, booklets and
               Arizona                                        tracts for our need of Gospel camps, distribution and
                                                              win souls for Joshua the Messiah. We are praying for
               COMMENT: You should have received the informa- you, your nice family and your excellent service. Pray
               tion you requested by now.                     for us all our needs why because my motto is to win
                                                              souls at any cost like as St. Paul 1 Cor. 9:16-17. Give co-
                                    ***                       operation like as Mark 16:15; Heb. 13:16; Prov. 19:17.
                                                              We are praying for you, family and service.

                                                                      The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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