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P. 18

18                                          The Mount of Olives in YEHOVAH God’s Plan

              is located among others that were hewn during the First Temple period -- some 800 to 900 years be-
              fore the Messiah. Yet John’s Gospel clearly states that Yeshua’s body was placed in a “new tomb in
              which no one had yet been laid” -- see John 19:41.

                     First Temple tombs or burial chambers can easily be differentiated from Second Temple pe-
              riod burial chambers based upon the basic layout of the chambers and distinctive architectural fea-
              tures -- including the type of chisel marks. In addition to this, certain archaeological artifacts
              closely associated with the original tombs are clearly from the First Temple period. Furthermore,
              “not a single tomb from Second Temple times has been found in this area” (Barkay, The Garden
              Tomb: Was Jesus Buried Here?, p. 51). Finally, this area was located within the city limits during
              the time of the Second Temple, where, according to legal restrictions, no cemeteries were allowed.
              The following table provides a comparative summary of the three sites -- clearly demonstrating that
              the Mount of Olives is the ONLY SITE which satisfies all Biblical, historical and archaeological

                                           Comparison Chart of Three Sites

                     BASIS &                 HOLY                 GORDON’S               MOUNT OF
                    CRITERIA              SEPULCHER               CALVARY                  OLIVES

                                      Constantine’s visions  Gordon’s imaginary      Biblical, historical &
               Basis of site selection
                                      & dreams               skeleton                archaeological data
                                                                                     Yes, “skull” meaning
                                                             No, skull-like          Adam’s skull that
               Fits “ha rosh”                  No            appearance due to       was buried on the
                                                             much later erosion      Mount of Olives by

               Could veil be seen?             No                      No                    Yes

               In “the presence of
                                               No                      No                    Yes

               Near the place called
                                               No                      No                    Yes
               “outside the camp”?

                                      Gardens not allowed    Gardens not allowed
               In a “garden” (tree
                                      within city limits at  within city limits at           Yes
                                      the time of Yeshua     the time of Yeshua
                                                                                     Yes (only location
               New tombs nearby?               No                      No            where new tombs
                                                                                     allowed at this time)

                                                                      The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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