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26                                                              The Hope of Israel Mail Bag

               on the farm make no bones about not wanting us in their Your Brother in Yahshua our Messiah, F. Texas
               services. But I do get to lay in for the High Holy Days
               and two of the Fasting Days. You have to register your P.S: This the month for new beginnings and of renewing
               faith at the Chaplain’s office and they do acknowledge our lives with our Heavenly Father. So it is a great time
               Mr. Armstrong’s teachings here in Texas so I’m regis- to meet you. I hope we can become good friends, if not
               tered as my Church being “The United Church of God” now then in our Father’s Kingdom some day.
               out of Cincinnati, Ohio.
                                                             Shalom my Brother.
               I’m 56 years old, Irish-English. The only family I have is
               my sister and her family. She always keeps me informed COMMENT: If anyone out there would like to write
               on how her children are doing. She lives in South Bend, this gentleman, please contact me for his address.
               IN. So she never has the money to come a 1,000 miles to
               see me. I haven’t seen her or my family in 10 years now.           ***

               I hope that Yahweh let’s me live long enough to get out Dear Brother John,
               and participate in the keeping of the Holy Days in the
               right way with others. I do the best I can in here but of Finally! The most important of all subjects today -- and
               course it is nothing like the way they are kept in the free astutely condensed into 3 pages. I refer to “The Name
               world.                                        ‘Jew’ -- How and When Did It Originate?,” p. 25 of The
                                                             Berean Voice, July-Aug. 2002 issue. This brief article, I
               I believe the last days are getting very close so if I’m not dare suggest, in a sense contains more vital information
               able to keep the Sacred Days now I’ll be able to in the fu- than all other BV articles combined -- most of which are
      way or the other.                 highly laudable and edifying. If your members are en-
                                                             lightened by all the other truth you’ve expounded and
               I love to study history of our Hebrew roots and have had miss this, they are still fatally asleep. Understanding this
               a few really good books on these studies. But we are very little 3-page gem, will begin to unravel the cataclysms,
               limited in space to keep things. Everything we own has intrigues and deceptions in everything else going on in
               to fit in a locker that is 1’ by 1’ by 2‘ feet. So what I get I the fulfillment of prophecy today, and for generations,
               have to study and then in time pass it on to others that with these imposters at the bottom of it all. These “de-
               have our beliefs. There’s not too many on this farm but stroyers” -- a label their own leaders boastfully apply to
               I’m blessed again because in my dorm I have two other themselves in secret -- are on the brink of dragging man-
               men that have the same doctrine of beliefs.   kind into WW-III, through their self-serving treachery
                                                             and ownership and manipulation of every high office
               I’ve had pen pals in the past and when we started talking and official of the U.S. Government, under the guise of
               about our religious beliefs it wouldn’t be long before I “God’s Chosen.” (The question is: which “god”? -- See
               would not hear from them for long periods of time then II Cor. 4:4, I Cor. 8:5, Matt. 4:8).
               they would stop writing. So it is really nice to meet
               someone in the free world with the same beliefs.  Certain details may be subject to debate among the bibli-
                                                             cally astute (e.g., are the Canaanites descendants of
               I want to thank you once again for helping me with the Cain?), but exposing the main truthful theme is of the
               book. If you would like a pen pal, I’m always here.  highest imperative for our time, and I urge you to publish
                                                             more on this subject (by this author and others), and that
               May Yahweh watch over you and your family always readers who may have breezed by it, thoughtfully digest
               and keep you all safe in the mad, mad world we live in it again.

                                                                      The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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