Page 24 - bv19
P. 24

24                                                              The Hope of Israel Mail Bag

               California                                      At the end of Isaiah’s book it says of last day events
                                                               “From one New Moon to another and from one Sab-
               P.S. Ernest is still on your masthead??????     bath to another shall they go up tp worship the Lord!”
                                                               This could well infer the link-up of the Sabbath to the
               COMMENT: I guess you didn’t read the article very well moon -- that is roughly 28 ½ days, I believe, so each
               -- I plainly point out that Jebel al Lauz is indeed volcanic in 2nd lunar month would have an extra day to compen-
               origin. “Moses walked from Yemen to Mecca”????? You sate. It says in John’s Gospel that “That Sabbath was
               must be kidding! All the “way stations” can be found on an high Sabbath” which I think means a double Sab-
               the route from Egypt through the center of the Sinai penin- bath, making it simpler to denote “as with Jonah 3 days
               sula to the ancient land of Midian (in the northwest part of and 3 nights” in the tomb.
               modern Saudi Arabia). Your “Yemen to Mecca” theory
               goes completely against all Biblical and traditional under- It could shake the foundations to admit that the Sunday
               standing!                                       Keepers are no less right than the Saturday Keepers. I
                                                               find people blessed of the Lord on a far wider spectrum
               Yes, Ernest L. Martin is still on our masthead. We ob- than any petty outlook would admit. Romans 14th
               tained some of his articles before his death, and will con- Chapter has a wide scope.
               tinue to feature appropriate ones in the magazine.
                                                               Our local S.D.A. Is extending its building and I would
                                     ***                       so like to see a right attitude in a day when Christen-
                                                               dom needs cohesion. Please can you throw light on this
               Dear Sir or Madam,                              vital truth lest “they labour in vain that build it!”

               Greetings in the Lord’s Name which is above every other B.V. S.
               name!                                           New Zealand

               Have been waiting for my good Wellsford friend on your P.S. Not so urgent but also a question. Is it Isaiah 65th
               mailing list, Mr. P. S., to write but it is of such immediate Chapter in the midst of obviously Millennial prophecy
               importance that “needs must!”                   is the insert “And the sinner though he be an hundred,
                                                               yet shall he be accursed” -- Jesus said 2 and 2 and 2
               Some months back you spoke of the Sabbath being geared shall be together, one shall be taken and the other left.
               to the moon -- i.e. 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day of the moon, It sounds like the bad one is cut off for he answered the
               the proper commemoration. If this be true, it has very seri- questioning disciple “where the carcase is there will
               ous connotations in judging who is keeping the right day! I the eagles be gathered together.” Also he said “He will
               had joined the S.D.A. Church almost 12 years ago but felt send His angels, first to gather the tares into bundles.”
               a warning to stay on the perimeter. At a mission in this Of course the critical warning is “Don’t be numbered
               town 3 years ago the first few meetings were fine and the among the transgressors” no matter what our theology.
               populace in general were impressed -- “Salvation through I feel so upset that the dogmatic self-confidence of the
               the finished work of Christ on the tree of suffering etc.” exclusiveness of those who say “we are the remnant
               But toward the end the sterness of saying those who had Church” would so shrink the saved to almost oblivion!
               been warned that keeping Sunday (introduced by
               Constantine the Roman Caesar early 4th century A.D. To COMMENT: We have published a number of articles
               standardize the day of rest) was the wrong day and per- regarding the lunar Sabbath -- you should have re-
               sisted were in grave danger of developing the Mark of the ceived them by now. Be sure to contact us if you have
               Beast 666.                                      any more questions.

                                                                      The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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