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P. 19

The Mount of Olives in YEHOVAH God’s Plan                                                  19

               Possible to witness                                                   Yes (tombs nearby
                                               No                      No
               opening of tombs?                                                     and clearly visible)
               Satisfies all
               sacrificial                     No                      No                    Yes

                     One of the major keys for understanding the geography of the city of Jerusalem is realizing
              just where Yeshua the Messiah was crucified, buried and resurrected from the dead. The place
              where that occurred was the spot where Abraham built his altar for Israel -- the Mount of Olives.
              Once this is clearly understood, a whole new way of looking at prophetic and doctrinal geography
              presents itself. Whole sections of the Bible that were previously difficult to understand (and which
              many so-called ministers of YEHOVAH God simply allegorized because of the obscurities of the
              language) now begin to make perfect sense. Prophetic statements that have been hidden from our
              understanding for so long, now become crystal clear in meaning. The glory that was given to
              Yeshua -- our Elder Brother -- takes on new meaning and a role that is infinitely more grand and im-
              portant than what most people have formerly come to believe. Sections of the Bible that used to
              make little sense, now take on deeper meanings within a theme or framework of complete simplic-

                           How Is This Work of YEHOVAH


               Y    EHOVAH God does have a work on the face of this earth! That work is far beyond the mind and ability of
                    men to understand. YEHOVAH is working in many different areas, in many directions, with many different
                    people to accomplish that which He intends to do before He returns to this earth in His Shekinah Glory at the
               End of this age. Hope of Israel Ministries is a “work” which YEHOVAH God raised to proclaim His truth to a dy-
               ing, corrupt, rebellious end-time generation! An important part of our witness is to the present and former members
               of the Worldwide Church of God, who are presently being victimized by numerous “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”
               Part of this work is also to bear witness to the truth of YEHOVAH God to modern Israel (the nations of the U.S.,
               Britain, North-western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and, of course, to modern Judah who is erro-
               neously named “Israel”), and to warn all these nations where their evil deeds are leading.

                      If you would like to have a part in this “Work,” then we would be more than happy to welcome you on
               board as a fellow co-worker and contributor to Hope of Israel Ministries. You can have a part in this ministry by
               your prayers, tithes and/or offerings -- and by sharing the things you learn from us with your friends and relatives.
               Thank you for your help and concern.


               Yes, I would like to help support Hope of Israel Ministries. Enclosed is_______________
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              The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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