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The Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                25

               Dear Hope of Israel Ministries:                 memories of the Humanities class in college where I
                                                               read many of the books mentioned in your writing.
               I discovered the article “From the Mississippi to Mexico” Again, thank you for sharing with me.
               while I was viewing images of Chaco Canyon on the net. I
               read through it with much delight. Since I’m gathering/re- Sincerely,
               searching information for a book I’m just happy, so happy P. S.
               to find other bold and truthful or truth-searching writers
               out there. Could you please send me “Awesome New                    ***
               Truth About Yom Kippur”; I’m curious about “Azazel”
               myself. I also would like to know anything about the his- Dear Mr. Keyser:
               tory -- anthropology -- origin of the Olmec -- Toltec -- Ma-
               yan genealogies. What have you dug up? Might they be I hope this letter finds you happy and in good health.
               the lost realms of Cain? Did they come from Lemuria
               or/and Atlantis? And what about the Iroquois and Algon- I received the book you ordered for me, “Behind the
               quin and Passamaquodi and Penobscot and Abanaki and Veil: Unmasking Islam.” I’m hoping that this book
               tribes from Maine 3,000 plus years ago, 5,000 years ago, will give me what I need to turn my nephew from the
               10,000? Where did they originate?               Muslim faith. My sister and her family have been Bap-
                                                               tist and then turned to the Catholic faith and whenever
               Thank you for further articles, I’m sure everybody has  I try to show them the truth about the Catholic Church
               lots of questions for you!                      she would stop writing for a time. Then her son went to
                                                               college and there converted to this Satan’s religion.
               At-one!                                         I’ve written him and we are at least talking about our
                                                               ideas of faith. I am a Sacred Name, Hebrew Holy Day
               G. K.                                           believer. I’ve also read many of the teachings of Her-
               Colorado                                        bert W. Armstrong and I agree on who Israel is and the
                                                               10 tribes of Israel. I’ve also read many books on the
               COMMENT: As much as these questions you pose are migration west that the 10 tribes took.
               fascinating in themselves, the thrust of this ministry is to
               reveal the truths of YEHOVAH God’s word, the Bible. I wanted to thank you for your kindness and for caring
               The origins of peoples, such as you mention, are second- and wanting to help me. It is very hard to find people
               ary in importance to doctrine and prophecy. As much as I, that will help inmates.
               personally, would like to spend more time researching the
               origins of peoples descended from the Canaanites and Is- Texas does not pay their inmates like many states do so
               raelites for that matter, there just are not enough hours in it is really hard to get books of study or good study
               the day to cover it all. As time allows, new articles in the Bibles without help from the outside. Yahweh has
               areas you mention will be published.            blessed me with a Sacred Name Bible called “The
                                                               Scriptures” out of South Africa. It is a good translation
                                     ***                       using the Hebrew names for people, places, and it
                                                               helps to put you in a Hebrew mind-set as you read. I
               Dear John,                                      also have a New American Standard Bible I like to
                                                               read. The N.A.S.B. Is a very good translation also.
               I received your publication “The Trojan Origins of Euro-
               pean Royalty” today in the mail. I haven’t had time to read It’s a hard life here as a Believer because we do not fit
               the entire piece but it did answer many questions I had into the Christian teachings and the few Jews we have
               about where your research took you. It also brought back

              The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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