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The Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                27

               Might I suggest reducing the text and margins slightly viewpoint is unbalanced and perhaps even hateful. Since
               and fitting the article onto a single page, 2-sided reprint. you obviously believe that all those who call themselves
               I would enclose a copy with all of my outgoing mail to Jews are the seed of Satan, do you consider the holocaust
               help spread this vital truth. I urge others to follow suit, of WWII, when millions were put to death by the Nazis,
               but only those willing to risk extreme persecution. No was of no consequence -- or maybe didn’t even happen?
               other subject on earth brings such persecution for the
               mere free speech exercise of exposing it, nor has in place         ***
               such crushing persecution machinery protected by laws
               of the many countries they’ve come to usurp and manage First I would like to say we find your website very inter-
               behind the scenes. (What better proof of its truth could esting. We certainly are enjoying it. We do a lot of study-
               there be, than such intense efforts to silence it?).  ing and find you do a lot of studying before you put out
                                                             your articles. We may not agree with everything. We
               Glance at these few Scriptures, and the picture should have learned never to take anything at face value. We
               begin to emerge: Rev. 2:9 (Counterfeit Jews); Rev. 3:9 study God’s word, study ancient texts, study history,
               (Satan’s liars); II Tim. 3:13 (imposters); John 8:44 (sons study culture of the times and pray the Eternal will give
               of Satan); Hos. 12:7 (Oppressors with scales of deceit); us the correct enlightenment.
               and countless others).
                                                             We were reading one of your articles about Should You
               -- Anon                                       Wish People Happy Birthday? and I have a question
               (I must be anon, due to my place/situation)   about something in the text. You have that Shem killed
               California                                    Nimrod. In the Book of Jasher (Chapter 27) it says that
                                                             Esau killed Nimrod. Where did you get your information
               COMMENT: While it is true that a certain percent- from? I’m just curious because I like to get my facts
               age of what is known as the Jewish people today is not straight before I repeat a story. I really use the Book of
               descended from Judah or Benjamin (or any of the tribes Jasher a lot to fill in blanks left out of Genesis and Exo-
               of Israel, for that matter), does that mean they are not en- dus. For instance Isaac being 37 years old when he was
               titled to live in the land of Israel today?   to become an offering. It really bothers me when I hear
                                                             and see pictures of this pre-teen innocent child following
               Does the fact that a certain percentage of the people liv- Abraham up the mountain. Isaac was a willing sacrifice.
               ing in the United States today are descended from
               non-Israelite stock (German, Japanese, various Asians, We appreciate your website and hope you can give us in-
               etc) mean they have no right to live here amongst us -- sight into some of your study materials.
               and expect to do so in peace and security?
               Does the fact that I am not a pure Israelite (German on K. G.
               my father’s side; Welsh/English on my mother’s) mean
               that I have no right to live in the United States (or any COMMENT: It must be remembered that extra-bib-
               other Israelite nation) in peace and security?  lical sources such as the Book of Jasher are not always
                                                             accurate and must be used with caution. The truth about
               Throughout her generations Israel always harbored a Nimrod’s death can be found in Hyslop’s book The Two
               foreign or non-Israelite element in her midst -- and Babylons and also in Hoeh’s Compendium of World
               YEHOVAH God, in the Bible, makes allowance for this. History. Nimrod was the Osiris of Egyptian tradition,
               Notice Exodus 22:21; 23:9; Leviticus 17:8; 17:10; which also mentions his death at the hands of Shem or
               17:13; 19:34; Deuteronomy 10:19 and 24:14. Your Sem.

              The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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