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P. 47

                       It is virtually impossible to meet with anyone unless you have previously set an exact time
               and place to meet. One could journey forever through this world and never meet an individual
               without setting up an appointment.  Jahwah is emphatic about His times of meeting with his people.
               Amos 3:1-3 explains why it is necessary to meet by appointment:

                       Hear this word that Jahwah has spoken against you, O people of Israel, over the whole
                       family that I brought up out of Egypt:

                       "You only have I known of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all
                       your iniquities.

                       "(How) can two people walk together/united except/unless they have agreed to meet at a
                       SET TIME?"

                                               Israel Dissolved The Sabbaths

                       The House of Israel rebelled against Jahwah in the wilderness and abolished His Sabbaths.
               Before we study Ezekiel's discourse on this subject, let's take a look at the words "SIGN", and
               "GREATLY POLLUTED" as translated in the King James version of the Scriptures.

                       "Sign" comes from the Hebrew word "owth," and as previously stated denotes Sabbaths
               through the understanding of the Jew.  "Owth" (Strong's #226) means "EVIDENCE" or "MARK"
               and comes from "uwth" (#225) and is defined as "assent" or "consent."  Thus these "signs" are
               "marks of assent, consent, and agreement."

                       "Greatly" is used to translate the Hebrew word meod (#3966) and is defined in Strong's
               Concordance as "quickly" and "utterly." "Polluted" is used to translate the Hebrew word,
               "challal."  The English word "polluted" does not give us the full understanding of this scripture.
               Strong's Concordance defines "challal" (#2490) as meaning "to DISSOLVE."

                       Now that we have a clearer understanding of these words let us read Ezekiel 20:10-24:

                       I brought Israel out of Egypt and led them into the wilderness.

                       Then I gave them MY SET-TIME ORDINANCES thus making known to them My Di-
                       vine Law, which everyone MUST OBSERVE TO HAVE LIFE.

                       Yea, I gave Israel My Sabbaths to be a MARK/SIGN (of ASSENT/AGREEMENT) be-
                       tween Me and them, so that they would acknowledge/comprehend/have respect that it is
                       Jahwah that purifies them.

                       In ancient time, the Sabbath was a type of Atonement Day; thus keeping the Sabbath was to
               be a sign that Israel acknowledged that it was indeed Jahwah that purified them and no one else.

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