Page 44 - BV3
P. 44

                       And though Jahwah warned Israel and Judah by every prophet and every seer saying,
                       'Turn from your evil ways, and keep My Mitsvot (Commandments) and My set-time or-
                       dinances in accordance with all the Torah which I commanded your fathers and that I
                       sent to you by my servants the prophets.'

                       They would not listen but were stubborn, as their fathers had been, who did not believe in
                       Jahwah their Elohim.

                       They rejected His set-time ordinances, and His covenant that He made with their fathers.
               They rejected the warnings that He sent them.  They went after false idols and became vain; they
               followed the nations that were around them, which Jahwah had forbidden them to do.

                       "Set-time ordinance" is usually translated into English as "statutes," but comes from one
               of two Hebrew words choq (2706 in Strong's Concordance) and chuqqah (2708).  Choq is de-
               fined as an  enactment; hence, AN APPOINTMENT of time, space, quantity, labor or usage; an
               ordinance.  Chuqqah is the feminine of choq.

                       The Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis defines choq as a work, task,
               obligation, SPECIFIC TIME, boundary, limit.  Thus, translating it as "statutes" really doesn't
               give us a clear understanding in the English Language.  It is an ordinance that involves a specific
               obligation -- a specific task to be done at a specific set time.

                       Forsaking every Mitzvah (commandment) of Jahwah their Elohim, they made themselves
                       images -- two molten calves and a sacred pole (Asherah).  They bowed down to all the
                       starry hosts and worshipped Baal (the worship of the Sacred Hebdomad -- the Sun, the
                       Moon, and the five planets as found in 2 kings 23:5.)…..

                       As the old saying goes, "history does repeat itself."  This is just a repeat of Mount Sinai,
               when Israel had Aaron make them an image of Apis, the golden calf of Memphis (another name for
               Osiris/Nimrod).  Israel declared that this idol was the god that brought them out of Egypt and im-
               mediately set up a false feast.  Apis wore a headdress of the crescent moon with the image of the
               sun above.

                       Therefore Jahwah was very angry with Israel (the House of Israel - the Northern King-
                       dom), and removed them out of his sight; only the tribe of Judah (the House of Judah --
                       the Southern Kingdom) was left.

                       Judah (the House of Judah -- the Southern Kingdom) also did not keep the mitzvot (com-
                       mandments) of Jahwah their Elohim but walked in the set-time ordinances that Israel
                       had introduced/made (the false feasts they set by the Asherah sacred pole to worship
                       Baal and the Sacred Hebdomad).

                       Thus Jahwah rejected all the seed of Israel; he punished them and gave them into the
                       hands of plunderers and finally flung them out from His presence.

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