Page 48 - BV3
P. 48

                       But the House of Israel rebelled against Me in the wilderness.  They walked/marched/
                       traveled NOT in MY SET-TIME ORDINANCES, because they despised My Divine
                       Law that brings life to those who keep it.  They QUICKLY AND UTTERLY DIS-
                       SOLVED MY SABBATHS; then I said, I would pour out My fury upon them in the wil-
                       derness to consume them.

                       How much plainer can it be?  The House of Israel very quickly and speedily threw away
               Jahwah's Sabbaths.  Going on in Ezekiel:

                       I am Jahwah Your Elohim; Walk in MY SET-TIME ORDINANCES…

                       Thus keep/sanctify/hallow MY SABBATHS THEN they will be the mark/sign of assent
                       between Me and you so that you will have respect/so that you will understand/compre-
                       hend/acknowledge/perceive that Jahwah is your Elohim (and not the gods of the Sacred

                       But the children rebelled against Me and walked NOT in MY SET-TIME

                       They despised MY SET-TIME ORDINANCES and DISSOLVED MY

                       Therefore, I gave them SET-TIME ORDINANCES that were NO GOOD and judg-
                       ments that LEAD TO DEATH.

                       Jahwah very plainly states due to the fact that the House of Israel dissolved His Sabbaths
               and set-time ordinances, He deliberately gave them set-time ordinances that would lead them to
               death and not to life. There are many, many people in religious Babylon that will utterly rebel
               against this scripture.  They will immediately throw it out.  They will stop up their ears and cry
               "tell us what we want to hear." Speak to us nothing but smooth things!

                              Do the Wicked Have Any Right to Set Jahwah's Appointments?

                       In Psalms 50, Jahwah asks what right do the wicked have to declare His set-time ordi-
               nances, as they hate any correction that comes from Him.  They just throw his words in the trash.

                       Jahwah calls to the heavens above and to the earth, that he may judge his people…
                       The heavens declare his righteousness for Elohim himself is judge.

                       Hear, O my people, and I will speak, O Israel, I will testify against you.  I am Elohim,
                       your Elohim….

                       Call on me in the DAY OF TROUBLE; I will deliver you, and you will glorify me.

                       But to the wicked Elohim says:  'What right have you to declare/reckon/number my set-
                       time ordinances or bring forth My covenant from your mouth?

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