Page 46 - BV3
P. 46

                       it is written: These are the LORD's appointed feasts, the sacred assemblies you are to
                       proclaim at their {set times} appointed times…

                       "Days" was a Hebrew idiom referring to the BEGINNING OF THE MONTHS which
                       starts with the sighting of the New Moon as it is explained in the Mishnah, an ancient
                       rabbinic work dealing with Jewish Oral Law.

                       Finally, "Years" was a Hebrew idiom that means the sanctification or setting apart of the
                       seven-year sabbatical (Sh'mittah) and 49-year jubilee cycles of years.  This also relates
                       to the annual public announcement of the new year called Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of
                       Trumpets, by the proper authorities in the Sanhedrin…."

                       Clement of Alexandria, under the subject of the Creation Sabbath, "The Fourth Com-
               mandment," (Volume 2 Ante-Nicene - Page 512 and 513), connects weeks and Sabbaths with
               the phases of the moon.

                       And the fourth word (i.e. the fourth commandment) is that which intimates that the world
                       was created by God, and that He gave us the seventh day as a rest, on account of the
                       trouble that there is in life. For God is incapable of weariness, and suffering, and want.
                       But we who bear flesh need rest. The seventh day, therefore, is proclaimed a rest……..
                       And in periods of seven days the moon undergoes its changes. In the first week she be
                       comes half moon; in the second (week), full moon; and in the third (week), in her wane,
                       again half moon; and in the fourth (week) she disappears. Further, as Seleucus the
                       mathematician lays down, she has seven phases. First, from being invisible she becomes
                       crescent-shaped, then half moon, then gibbous and full; and in her wane again gibbous,
                       and in like manner half moon and crescent-shaped.

                       How much plainer can it be! Jahwah's entire calendar -- all of His appointed times for
               meeting with Him were set in the lights of heaven on the fourth day of creation.

                       Hallelu-Jah! Praise Jahwah from the heavens; give praise in the heights.

                       Praise him, all you angels; give praise, all you hosts.

                       Praise him, SUN and MOON; give praise, all you STARS of light.

                       Praise him, highest heavens, you waters above the heavens.

                       Let them ALL praise Jahwah's name (His authority); for Jahwah commanded and THEY
                       WERE CREATED.

                       He assigned them duties forever; He gave them SET-TIME ORDINANCES that will
                       never change. Psalms 148

                       Indeed Jahwah did create the sun and the moon and the stars to keep His set-time ordi-
               nances and that will never change.

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