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                   The Land of Dabar: Land of


                           Another name for the Land of Promise is Land of the Book or Land of the
                           Word, as "promise" comes from the Hebrew word "dabar" which means
                           book or word. Do we today face the same problems as ancient Israel, as
                           we cross over the Jordan into the Land of Dabar? Do the same Torah in-
                           structions Jahwah gave Israel apply to us today, as we enter the Body of
                           Christ? Are we to tear down the images of Baal and burn the Asherah
                           poles? The Word repeatedly states if we walk in Jahwah's Sabbaths and
                           set-time ordinances, we may dwell in the LAND and He will set His tab-
                           ernacle over us. But if we do not keep his true weekly Sabbath, Jahwah
                           will evict us from Dabar land; therefore, it is of utmost importance to
                           know the time of the true Sabbath. Clement of Alexandria, a 2nd. century
                           church father, can shed some light on the subject.

                                                     Deborah Taylor

                       And the Word was made flesh and tabernacled among us - John 1:14.

                       In order for Jahwah to set His tabernacle -- Jahshuwah -- over us, we must keep the Sab-
               baths He created, which are scheduled by the Moon not by the Babylonian Sacred Hebdomad:

                       "Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary. I am Jahwah." (Leviticus 26:
                       2) "If ye walk in my set-time ordinances, and keep my commandments, and do them,
                       then I will set my tabernacle among you: and my spirit shall not abhor you.  And I will
                       walk among you, and will be your Elohim, and ye shall be my people. (Leviticus 26:11
                       and 12)

                       All who go into the presence of Jahwah, i.e. into the Holy of Holies/Oracle (Hebrew debir
               found in 1 Kings 6:16, comes from dabar) must pass through the veil -- the flesh of Jahshuwah,
               the Word:

                       Hebrews 10:20 "So now my brethren, the blood of Jahshuwah makes us free to enter
                       boldly into the sanctuary by the new, living way which he has opened for us through the
                       veil, that is to say, through His flesh."

                       Thus as we enter into the Dabar Land - the Book Land -- the Land of the Word -- the Ora-
               cle -- the Debir -- The Holy of Holies -- the Body of Christ into the presence of Jahwah, we must
               follow all of the Torah instructions as given by Jahwah to Israel in Deuteronomy 7:1-5:

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