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                       Who among you will give ear to this?  Who will pay close attention from now on?
                       (Isaiah 42:17-23)

                       But they refused to listen; they stubbornly turned their backs and stopped up their ears SO
                       AS NOT TO HEAR.

                       They made their hearts as hard as flint and would not listen to the Torah instructions or to
                       the words that Jahwah Sebaoth had sent by his Spirit through the prophets of old.

                       Then Jahwah Sebaoth in great wrath said: 'Since they did not listen when I called, so I
                       WOULD NOT LISTEN WHEN THEY CALLED.' Zechariah 7:11-13)

                       Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, but
                       will not see; they have ears to hear, but will not hear, because they are a rebellious house.
                       (Ezekiel 12:2)

                       Go to this people and say: 'You may listen and listen, but YOU WILL NEVER UN-
                       DERSTAND; you may look and look, but YOU WILL NEVER SEE.

                       For your mind has become dull; your ears don't listen and you have closed your eyes
                       against understanding; For you don't want to see and hear and understand and turn to me
                       for healing.  (Acts 28:26)

                       The time is here!!!  Modern day Israel gathers around only teachers who will teach what
               they want to hear.  Paul warned of this time in 2 Timothy 4:3:

                       The time will come when men WILL NOT LISTEN to TRUE DOCTRINE.  Instead,
                       to suit their own desires, they will gather around them more and more teachers who
                       WILL TELL THEM WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR.

                       v. 4 They will no longer listen to the truth, but will turn/follow after man-made

                                                    Come out of Babel!

                       Jahwah again and again declares the importance of keeping His Sabbaths and set-time or-
               dinances.  As Exodus 16:4 declares, they are a test that Jahwah gives us to see whether or not we
               will be true to him and obey His Torah, i.e. follow him wherever He leads.  He is at this very mo-
               ment leading His people across the Jordan unto His Dabar Land, where He will erect His
               tabernacle/mischan over them and dwell with them.

                       Worship in the Mysteries of Babel still exists this very day.  Jahwah continues to command
               His people, Israel, to depart from these false practices.  Modern day Israel, Christians and Jews
               alike, are still committing the same old abominations.  They participate in the set-time ordinances
               of the world and Babel rather than being separated and keeping Jahwah's set-time ordinances,
               which make them a peculiar people sanctified and set apart from the world.

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