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                Hi John,                                        In closing, I agree with your general views about the
                                                                Sabbath, but I feel this aspect of your argument against
                This is Doti...I'm not sure if you know me or not. I have  the "lunar Sabbath" is in error. Please respond so that I
                been with TPM for 4 years, since around July I have  will know whether my analysis is correct.
                had serious questions about BD. Ray Grubb wrote Mr.                                                                        Thanks,
                D. about some questions he had and Bill character as-                                                                       Tony Rogers.
                sassinated him on the telephone hook-up for things we
                all have questions about, it was a black day. I talked  I then got this response by e-mail from Bill Danken-
                with Ruth Grubb his wife and she wanted me to ask you  bring:
                if you could put the letter that Ray wrote to Mr. D. on
                your website, numerous people are calling and asking  "I believe you are correct in your observation. Thank
                for a copy of the letter. (B.D. didn't read the whole let-  you for pointing out this error. Keyser's stuff is very
                ter, only what he wanted to) this letter was a letter  oblate and confusing to read, and I missed somehow
                written in love and concern, but B.D. didn't take it that  the point you made, and haven't gone back to the mate-
                                                                rial for some time. Thank you for your comments.
                                                                When I get a chance I will correct the article. Frankly,
                Also, John, how can I get a copy of the article you have  due to his heresy, which I believe is rank satanic rub-
                on the Sabbath, it must be 25 pages.
                                                                bish, I want nothing whatever to do with him or his
                                                                website. But we must from time to time "answer fools
                If life is a bowl of cherries, why am I in the pits?!! I  according to their folly," as Solomon states."
                just want GOD'S truth, not man's. Hope to hear from
                you soon.
                                                                             Friends in Christ,  I was gratified that I got this reply. Still, I must wonder
                                                                                                 Doti  why he is so vitriolic on this issue. Doesn't the "lunar
                Dear Mr. Keyser,                                Sabbath" proposal also solve the Pentecost contro-
                                                                versy? Since the weekly Sabbath and Nisan 15 (Passo-
                                                                ver) would always be the same day, the Omer count
                After I read Mr. Dankenbring's recent scathing rebuttal
                of your conjecture about a lunar-based Sabbath, I sent  would then end on Sivan 6 regardless of whether you
                Mr. Dankenbring the following letter by e-mail:  count 50 using seven successive Sabbaths or 7 succes-
                                                                sive complete (perfect) weeks. Your view has some
                                                                controversial points, I will admit, but it does answer
                Dear Mr. Dankenbring,
                                                                some old questions. It (the lunar Sabbath possibility) is
                                                                definitely worth studying.
                In your article critiquing Mr. Keyser's recent "Lunar                                                                     Best Regards,
                Sabbath" conjecture (see "What's All This About the                                                                     Tony Rogers
                Sabbath -- New Moon Controversy?"), you say that Mr.  Dear John,
                Keyser places the Crucifixion on our modern Friday.
                This is an incorrect criticism, I think. Mr. Keyser  My heart was so blessed when I read your article "Have
                places the Crucifixion on a Wednesday (i.e., on Nisan  We Been Observing the Sabbath at the Wrong Time All
                14, 30 A.D., per Church of God tradition), but says the  These Years?" I also have studied Bill's lessons for
                Passover AND the weekly Sabbath were both on our  several years and have learned much from him, but last
                THURSDAY (i.e. Nisan 15, 30 A.D.). He then uses the  year Jahwah started leading me to a different level in
                standard arguments used by Protestants to make "three  my walk. I have studied Jahwah's calendar diligently
                days and three nights" an idiomatic expression allowing  since 1988. I have read all of Herbert Armstrong's lit-
                Christ to have been resurrected on the morning after  erature, all of Assemblies of Yahweh (Bethel, PA) lit-
                the Sabbath (i.e., on our modern Friday morning, in the
                view of Mr. Keyser). His chronology of the Crucifix-  erature, and then I consumed all of Bill's literature.
                ion thus parallels the commonly-held orthodox view
                [i.e. a Wed. Crucifixion and burial; Thurs. rest (on the  About two years ago Jahwah started dealing with me on
                weekly AND annual Sabbath; and a Friday Resurrec-  the Weekly Sabbath showing me that the moon's
                tion], although a modern Sunday Resurrection is not  phases marked His creation weeks. That in Genesis
                promoted.                                       1:14-16, He told us that the lights that He created in
                                                                heaven were indeed His clock. He knew all along, how
                                                                man, like everything else, would change His calendar

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