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                Hope of Israel Mail Bag

                Hi --                                           Keep on persuading Bill (I LOVE him) to work with
                                                                you. I believe your work will be supported, with God
                I was very interested in your proposal as to the true and  nothing is impossible! Talk to the Jews privately,
                original calendar given by God to man. I have to admit  maybe they will listen and act. Talking privately with a
                that at first I did scoff, for which I apologize. I am not  man is much more fruitful than standing in public plat-
                fully convinced, but I am still giving it some attention  forms. Always send Bill your articles as a good ges-
                and I appreciate your hard work. I fully agree that the  ture, showing him that you love and respect him. Don't
                sign of Jonah was the resurrection and not the specific  respond to every negative statement, work on other
                duration. When I read that, it was so obvious -- just  topics once you are done with the Sabbath issue and its
                shows how much learning I have to do. Another thought  spinoffs. Hardened (former) WWCG members will
                occurred, in Mr. Dankenbring's article on the Omer, he  NEVER understand your explanation of 3 days and 3
                states that the "wave sheaf offering" represents the  nights! Many of them hero-worship HWA, they forget
                "firstfruits" of the "saints," but after reading your article  to use the holy spirit to guide them. They may even ac-
                and the time cycle you present, it seems even more to  cuse you of following Catholic teachings! Be strong
                confirm that the "wave sheaf offering" actually does  and encourage one another. May God bless and protect
                represent Christ especially as it states that it will be  you from the evil one, Amen. Bye.
                accepted on our behalf, and it seems to me that this is
                speaking of Jesus Christ going before God (John                                                                              B.B.M.
                20:17) and his sacrifice and death being accepted in-
                stead of our own. Just wondered what your thoughts on  Comment: Thanks for all the good advice. What's that
                that might be.                                  saying about "sticks and stones..."? I have broad shoul-
                                                                ders, and with God on my side I need fear no one.
                You have given us plenty to think about and I look for-
                ward to your next articles.                     John --

                                                                                   Many thanks,  Happy Sabbath to you. Several things have happened
                                                                                                 N.R.  this week. Ray and Ruth Grubb got a 10 page letter
                                                                from Mr. D., he has DISFELLOWSHIPPED them, al-
                Comment: You are right on the money regarding the  though they had already removed themselves. Mr. D.
                wave sheaf offering. Unfortunately, Dankenbring has  wrote me a 5 page letter warning me not to be lead
                gone astray on this issue as he has on so many others.  astray by "false brethren," he also sent me a copy of the
                                                                letter he wrote to the Grubbs. Satan is working very
                Greetings!                                      hard at this end time, we just have to hold fast to what
                                                                we know is the truth and follow Jesus Christ and not a
                Mr. John Keyser is dead RIGHT on the question of the  MAN.
                Sabbath! It is sad that the former WWCG members
                don't want to accept the naked truth. Maybe it is not so  I'm looking forward to your article, we all have to keep
                naked to them. The question of 3 days and 3 nights is  an open mind. It saddens me the way Mr. D. has treated
                clear to me (not in Bill's way). The Y2K noise is going  Ray.
                to change into silence. Yes, there WILL be some prob-
                lems, but nothing to destroy this world. I would like to                                                     Have a great day,
                encourage and motivate Mr. Keyser to keep up the                                                                Friends in Christ
                good work as the spirit of God guides him. Truth is                                                                                   Doti
                never easily accepted! The "bombs" that are thrown at
                JDK remind me of the "bombs" that were thrown at Je-  Comment: For those who are interested, I have avail-
                sus by the Jews. JDK, you will be ridiculed and called  able copies of the letter the Grubbs wrote to Danken-
                names, but I believe God is on your side. Keep on sup-  bring which triggered B.D.'s vitriolic attack on the
                plying us with the truths, we are hungry.       Grubbs, and also the letter he sent to Doti.

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