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                       ity to function for yet another week by the influx of Divine influence which it receives on
                       this day (ibid.).

                       There is a passage in the Talmud which brings forth another intriguing concept which is
               clarified by what we have just read: "Whoever sanctifies the Shabbat, and recites the 'kiddush'
               blessing over the wine together with the verse 'Va'yechulu' on Shabbat, is considered like THE
               HOLY ONE'S PARTNER in the creation of the world" (BT Shabbat 1 19:B).

                       "At first glance," comments the article, "this would seem to be a most extreme statement for
               the Rabbis to make, and certainly not meant to be taken literally. If the Sages are attempting to im-
               part some sort of ethical teaching or example, its plain meaning is lost on us by what would appear
               to be the sheer exaggeration of such a statement -- for how could a person become a partner in
               something which has already been completed previously, before his time? Has anyone ever heard
               of such a thing -- that someone can come along and be considered a partner in something he had
               nothing to do with?"

                       "And even if such a concept could somehow be understood," continues the article, "why
               should it be said in reference to 'kiddush' -- what is so special about this particular action that it
               could bring a person to such a level of identification with the Divine that he should be called A
               PARTNER TO GOD? If the act of 'kiddush' itself is so significant, then it would be understandable
               if the Rabbis want to emphasize the greatness of the reward which one merits for its observance --
               but to speak of a 'partnership with God' -- is that not a bit much?"

                       But according to what we have just read, this makes perfect sense! Since the Sabbath day is
               literally what keeps the world alive; and every six days a new Sabbath arrives at the phases of the
               moon and resuscitates the world -- breathing new life into it again for yet another six days -- we
               should understand that the Sabbath would not exist in this world if it were not for those who ob-
               serve it! If no one kept the Sabbath -- for whom could it be said to exist?

                       In this light we can clearly see the intentions behind this teaching; for whoever sanctifies
               the Sabbath, observing it at the right time (at the moon's phases) and safeguarding its holiness, IN-
               SURES THAT THERE IS A SABBATH FOR THE WHOLE WORLD! The Sabbath exists through
               the Sabbath-keeper, and through the Sabbath the whole world continues to exist. Therefore, in
               reality, he is most certainly supporting the world, and is truly A PARTNER IN CREATION -- the
               creation which is renewed each week through the holy presence of God in the Sabbath day!

                       "And so not only does Shabbat keep the world alive, but he who observes the Sabbath,
               keeps the Shabbat alive...such is the level of the 'shomer shabbat' that he could rightfully be called
               'the righteous', the 'tzaddik,' [and] is the foundation of the world -- for it is HE WHO LITERALLY
               UPHOLDS THE WORLD" (Creation: The Jewish Oral Tradition).

                       Keep this in mind when you start observing God's holy Sabbath day according to God's in-
               junction in Exodus 16 -- according to the moon's course through the heavens!

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