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                   Further up the smuggler's route, in the        U.S. investigators charged that Russian
                   northern Afghanistan town of Mazar-e-          scientists are also for sale. A spokesman
                   Sharif,  enriched   uranium   was   also       for a Hong Kong weapons company that
                   offered to a foreigner working for an aid      posted        brazen        help-wanted
                   agency. Even the       Pakistan Interior       advertisements in Russia said: "We have
                   Minister, General Naseerullah Babar,           detailed files of hundreds of former
                   admitted that his government has been          Soviet Union experts in the field of
                   approached by smugglers with a nuclear         rocket,     missile     and      nuclear
                   shopping list.                                 weapon[s]...These weapon experts are
                                                                  willing to work in a country which needs
                           The Nuclear Merchants                  their skills and can offer reasonable
                                                                  pay." It is estimated that two thousand
                       “I have regret and condemnation            Russian nuclear scientists, who were
                       for the extermination of the Jewish        disenchanted with the disintegration of
                       people which was ordered by the            the former Soviet Union, are now
                       German rulers, but I myself could          working for the Chinese, while a
                       not have done anything to prevent          Russian     consortium     of    nuclear
                       it. I was a tool in the hands of the       companies was formed in 1990 to sell
                       strong and the powerful and in the         nuclear weapons to third world countries
                       hands of fate itself” -- Adolf             "for ecological purposes."
                                                                  As more "outlaw" nations gain nuclear
                   The Russian abandonment of her six             capacity  in  a   more   fractured  and
                   former Islamic republics has left a vast       dangerous world, the risk increases
                   volatile region filled with people who         dramatically that forces "beyond state
                   now own some of the most sophisticated         control" are getting their hands on
                   and deadliest weapons in the world. So         nuclear weapons. Many among fanatic
                   far, Russia's atomic smugglers have been       Muslims believe that to die for a cause is
                   lone insiders, scientists and servicemen -     to  gain   an  immediate    passage   to
                   -  disaffected and underpaid. But this         paradise.  They   are  an   increasingly
                   "disorganized" crime could easily turn to      younger   generation   who    have   the
                   more lethal Russian Mafia types offering       education and sophistication to construct
                   terrorists and profiteerers a virtual          weapons their fathers would never have
                   nuclear supermarket. Within Russia, at a       dreamed of.
                   plutonium warehouse, windows were
                   broken and boarded up. At a nuclear            The United States has long been a major
                   submarine base, one of the Russian             terrorist target, but most of the assaults
                   navy's main storage areas for atomic           on Americans and their organizations
                   fuel, anti-nuclear activists were able to      have taken place overseas. Terrorist
                   take pictures from close range. "Russia        attacks inside the United States have
                   itself is in many areas unstable, and the      been extremely rare, but it is changing.
                   systems   and   materials  aren't  being       As the only remaining superpower, the
                   protected anything like what we would          United States already is the Great Satan
                   like," Senator Nunn said.                      to Islamic fundamentalists, the protector
                                                                  of Israel, supporter of the perceived
                                                                  infidel President Hosni Mubarak of
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