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                   "The atomic bomb is another powerful weapon in the arsenal of righteousness" -- Harry
                   S. Truman
                   "Perhaps it will take a cataclysmic event to shake the great majority of Americans out of
                   their hubris and self-righteousness" -- Shintora Ishihara
                                The Big Flash!
                                                                         Except for the humming

                            This article was written by  Joseph Huang   in Australia a number of
                            years ago, and proves almost prophetic in light of the events of
                            September 11, 2001 and the horrendous possibilities that face us if
                            unbridled Islamic terrorism is allowed to spread its evil machinations
                            around the world.

                          As the news helicopters flew                   Except for the humming of the
                   over the scorched city below,  recording       numerous inquisitive helicopters in the
                   the terrifying scene on live-telecast for      sky, dead silence fell upon this once
                   an eager world to see, the images were         bustling metropolis. The winds did not
                   mind-numbing. Just the day before an           clear out the radioactive smoke hovering
                   atomic bomb had devastated the city.           above the city, restricting the helicopters'
                   Those on the outskirts saw a rising            ability to record the destruction  below.
                   mushroom cloud, and then city streets          Those buildings that survived the blast
                   with tall buildings on fire. People were       were gutted by the subsequent fires.
                   running in the streets screaming, their        Dead bodies were scattered everywhere
                   clothes and hair on fire. When the bomb        throughout    the    wreckage.     Half-
                   vaporized at a temperature of several          consumed human body parts could      be
                   million degrees centigrade, creating a         seen among the smoking ruins where
                   fireball and radiating immense amounts         injured dogs had torn apart their masters
                   of heat, all civilians within a five           and feasted on them.
                   kilometer range of the hypocenter were
                   doomed.                                        Fallen houses and twisted commercial
                                                                  buildings turned this once thriving city
                          Heat, radiated by the bomb,             into an unimaginable rubble. The whole
                   burned every living soul more than three       world stood still --   shaken --  as it
                   kilometers    from    the    hypocenter.       watched the unfolding horror on satellite
                   Instantaneous fires erupted over a wide        TV. Three percent of the bomb's energy
                   area creating a firestorm that engulfed all    was released in invisible neutrons and
                   major buildings around the city that had       gamma rays. These rays affected people
                   not succumbed to the blast the day             during the ensuing days as they spread
                   before. All ten square kilometers of the       out through the air and water. Finally,
                   city had already been burnt out, while         the message sunk in -- the city was New
                   some    scattered  fires  were   burning       York, that Great City! Nuclear terrorism
                   throughout   the   metropolitan   areas.       had finally arrived! Some of you reading
                   Chernobyl would pale in significance           this article may think this scenario is far-
                                                                  fetched, but frightening indications and
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