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                   weapons. The world has a nuclear bomb,            and die for their faith” -- James
                   we should have a nuclear bomb." 8                 Dale Davidson

                   Since 1982, Iranian backed Hezbollah,          But  terrorism is not limited to any one
                   the radical Islamic fundamentalist group,      known group. Nor is it restricted to
                   has been seeking the destruction of Israel     groups of familiar names dedicated to
                   and   the  elimination   of  the   entire      the path of fire and brimstone. Since the
                   American     continent,   if    possible.      early 1990s, freelance terrorists have
                   Dedicated to a   jihad, suicide bombers        taken up residence inside the Great Satan
                   are only too pleased to fulfill their sacred   --  the United States. Hence, in the
                   mission to turn Israel into a "fiery hell"     United states, there is an unknown
                   and are threatening suicide terrorist          number of shadowy groups lurking in
                   attacks around the world. In October           the land with agendas of hate and
                   1983, the Hezbollah conducted a suicide        destruction and a newfound taste for
                   truck bombing of the United States             exotic weapons.
                   embassy and marine barracks in Beirut.
                   In September 1984, they hijacked the           On February 26, 1993, a bomb detonated
                   TWA flight 847, and in March 1992, it          beneath   New    York's   World   Trade
                   was alleged, they car bombed Israel's          Center,   shattering  the  notion   that
                   embassy in Buenos Aires --    killing 29       terrorism was only limited to the Middle
                   people. Not content with that, they            East or Europe. The attack was only a
                   struck a Jewish community center in            wakeup call, alerting Americans that
                   Argentina which killed a further 69            deadly   violence   is  no   longer   an
                   civilians.                                     abstraction  on   the   evening   news.
                                                                  Arrested on February 7, 1995, was a
                   In March 1996, Hezbollah leader Sheikh         man  named Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, who
                   Hassan Nasrallah, in an unprecedented          arrived in New York on September 1,
                   admission,   told   the   London-based         1992 on an Iraqi passport. Teamed up
                   Arabic publication Al-Wasat: "We didn't        with other Islamic fundamentalists, they
                   hide Iranian support. There is no need to      followed the teachings of Sheik Rahman,
                   deny that we receive support from Iran.        who was alleged to have issued a fatwa,
                   Syria supported us and facilitated arms        a sanctioned order, to assassinate Egypt's
                   supplies, a political core, moral support      Hosni Mubarak.
                   and field facilities since 1982." He went
                   on to claim that Hezbollah would start            “At what point, then, is the
                   attacking Jews and Israelis outside               approach of danger to be expected?
                   Israel." According to the United States           I answer, if it ever reaches us it
                   and Israeli governments, Iran funds               must spring up among us; it cannot
                   Hezbollah operations to the tune of $70           come from abroad. If destruction be
                   million a year and trains young recruits          our lot we must ourselves be its
                   at Iranian military installations.                author and finisher. As a nation of
                                                                     freedom we must live through all
                       “But Islamic militants, reared in             time, or die by suicide” -- Abraham
                       poor economies and a different                Lincoln
                       culture, are more willing to fight
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