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                   Apart from plotting to kill the Egyptian       U.S.-supplied nuclear fuel. Instead of
                   President, Time  magazine reported that        making sure that U.S. exports of nuclear
                   they   planned   to   bomb    the  U.N.        fuel do not end up as weapons-useable
                   headquarters, U.S. military armories, a        plutonium in world commerce, the
                   bridge    and   two    tunnels   linking       political interests of the United States
                   Manhattan    to   New     Jersey.  Ever        gives clear precedence to it allies over
                   determined,   Yousef   kept   his  plans       and above its obvious security interests.
                   focused on the Twin Towers. On the             As a result U.S. origin plutonium is now
                   designated   date,   Yousef    and   his       beginning to enter world commerce in
                   companion placed their bomb in a van           frightening amounts.
                   and drove it to the basement of the
                   World Trade Center. The eventual               Ever since plutonium, a man-made
                   explosion killed six and injured more          element, was first produced in gram
                   than 1,000 people. Terrorism had finally       quantities during World War II, more
                   arrived in America --   and the World          than 1,200 metric tons of it have been
                   Trade Center was only the beginning. Of        produced in reactors. Of this amount,
                   course, the appeal of nuclear weapons to       about 260 tons have been produced for
                   terrorists is obvious: if destabilizing        weapons; all the rest, nearly three times
                   society or drawing attention to one's          as much, has been produced in civilian
                   cause is the goal, a mushroom cloud            nuclear power reactors. With the end of
                   outranks truck bombs. Indeed, the              the superpowers' nuclear arms race, the
                   Yousef's of the future will have more --       amount    of   military  plutonium    is
                   not fewer -- options and opportunities at      expected to stay essentially constant and
                   hand.                                          then decline as plutonium from retired
                                                                  warheads is disposed of. But the amount
                           The Deadly Plutonium                   of civilian plutonium produced in power
                                                                  reactors will grow very rapidly from
                       “Men don't change. The only thing          about 650 tons in 1990 to 2,100 tons in
                       new in the world is the history you        the year 2010 --  more than eight times
                       don't know” -- Harry S. Truman             the amount of weapons plutonium.
                                                                  Considering the fact that less than 8
                       “Idealism is fine, but as it               kilograms   (about    18   pounds)    of
                       approaches reality the cost becomes        plutonium is enough for one Nagasaki-
                       prohibitive” -- William F. Buckley         type bomb, the proliferation risk of all
                       Jr.                                        this  potential  weapons    material  is
                   Though the United States does not
                   reprocess spent fuel of power reactors at      Beyond the proliferation and terrorism
                   home, because of both economic and             risks of plutonium, there are also the
                   non-proliferation      reasons,       its      safety and environmental hazards of
                   government has not been prepared to            transporting plutonium and the waste by-
                   enforce U.S. non-proliferation laws to         products of reprocessing. Plutonium is
                   restrain its European and Japanese allies'     extraordinarily    toxic.    Microgram
                   plutonium programs. Seventy-five per           quantities imbedded in the lungs after
                   cent of the plutonium being extracted          inhalation, or in bone after ingestion can
                   today in Europe and Japan came from            cause cancer. In 1987, Japan had to
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