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                   of former U.S. weapons designers have          also a major target. Thirdly, New York
                   found that even terrorists would be            has a major concentration of Jews in the
                   capable of making an effective, first-         city, on whose political and financial
                   generation nuclear  weapon if they could       support the State of Israel depended
                   obtain enough reactor-grade plutonium          greatly during the 48 years of its
                   or highly enriched uranium. Nuclear            existence. Without that support, Israel
                   proliferation and the closely connected        would be left on her own to face Islamic
                   threat of nuclear terrorism will become a      forces that could possibly destroy this
                   principal danger of our time.                  last barrier against the forward march of
                       “Some Islamic sects have approved
                       terrorism as a legitimate tactic. That        “Large cities rather than military
                       well suits them to current                    targets will be at growing risk as
                       circumstances, as terrorism is likely         effective weapons of destruction are
                       to be of growing military                     dispersed ever more widely
                       importance as the year 2000                   throughout the world” -- James
                       approaches” -- James Dale                     Dale Davidson
                                                                  "The destruction of any city in the world
                   Finding a nuclear bomb in a city is "like      by nuclear terrorists would threaten all
                   looking for a needle in a haystack," one       cities and nations," one nuclear scientist
                   nuclear scientist admits. New York City        said. Though New York is an attractive
                   has been identified by many experts as         target, other cities could well be on the
                   an appealing site for a terrorist attack.      list:  Los   Angeles,   Chicago,   New
                   Firstly, it is the most centralized, densely   Orleans, Washington DC, London, Paris,
                   populated metropolis in America and has        Tel Aviv, Sydney. Of these Washington
                   an         extremely          vulnerable       DC would be more vulnerable than
                   infrastructure. 13  An atomic bomb, or         others. Besides Congress and the White
                   even major radiation from radioactive          House being located there, the city and
                   materials in the city, would produce the       its nearby district is also the heart of all
                   most desired and effective outcome             American overseas operations which
                   which terrorists seek. Secondly, it is the     include the FBI, the CIA and the
                   headquarters for many of the world's           Pentagon. Perhaps a statement by Louis
                   financial and banking institutions on          Farrakhan, the US leader of the Nation
                   which the world's commerce is based.           of Islam, would give us a better
                                                                  understanding of the potential danger.

                   Among these headquarters is the much           Speaking in Teheran, he said: "You can
                   detested United Nations, which was             quote me: God will destroy America at
                   responsible for the creation of the  State     the hands of Muslims."
                   of Israel in 1948; and in January 1991,
                   the  quickly   assembled   U.N.    Force       Fear of nuclear weapons falling into the
                   defeated Iraq --  an Arabic state. U.N.        hands   of   mad    generals,  warlords,
                   Secretary-General      Boutros-Boutros-        terrorists and nations with fanatical
                   Ghali, an Egyptian regarded as a traitor       foreign policies is now being realized
                   by Islamic fundamentalists because he          among more and more people. Only
                   helped negotiate peace with Israel, is         after a big flash has occurred will the
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