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                   the opinion of nuclear experts make this       overshadowing it all: the end of the Cold
                   scenario highly probable.    Authorities       War removed the looming threat of
                   have stopped at least seven cases of           mutual destruction, yet has ushered in a
                   nuclear    components     from     being       new and equally frightening one through
                   smuggled into the West from Russia. No         nuclear terrorism. The end of more than
                   one knows how many more have passed            four decades of armed confrontation, of
                   through undetected.                            the ceaseless production of ever more
                                                                  advanced weapons that went unused, has
                   After the end of the Cold War and over         now left the former Soviet Union in utter
                   half a century since the dropping of the       shambles. The dangers of proliferation
                   first atomic bomb over Japan, the world        are threefold. Firstly, basic weapons --
                   is entering a new, potentially more            tanks,  planes,   ships  of   all  kind,
                   dangerous era. The immediate threat of         submarines, missiles, rocket launchers,
                   mutual nuclear annihilation may now be         artillery, whole bases by the many
                   behind us, but before us is a brave new        thousands --  produced by the best and
                   world     whose     troubling    nuclear       most brilliant scientists are now viewed
                   dimensions are only now beginning to be        as surplus. Secondly are the vast
                   realized.                                      quantities  of  nuclear  weapons,    the
                                                                  reactors that produce the plutonium that
                   The     material   is    weapons-usable        goes with them, and the large quantities
                   plutonium, created in civilian reactors        of the raw plutonium itself, that are kept
                   that generate electricity for cities rather    in storage. And finally, the presence of
                   than in military reactors that produce         thousands of nuclear scientists and
                   material for bombs. The problem is that        technicians who designed, built and
                   although the intended use of these two         serviced these materials and equipment.
                   types of reactors is different, the            All   are  now    either   unusable   or
                   byproduct is the same --  plutonium -- an      superfluous in the former Soviet Union.
                   essential ingredient of nuclear weapons.
                   Civilian power reactors are typically             “Paradoxically, the collapse of the
                   much larger than their counterpart                Soviet empire, which appears to
                   military production reactors --     and           remove the threat of great-power
                   therefore produce many times more                 nuclear war, is driven by the same
                   plutonium. The year 2000 will mark the            causes that are now making the use
                   point in human history when more                  of nuclear weapons by small
                   atomic bomb materials begin circulating           nations and terrorists more likely”
                   in civilian commerce than exists in                -- James Dale Davidson
                   nuclear weapons.
                                                                  The first shock to the Western world
                       “Even a handful of terrorists with         occurred in July, 1994, when German
                       biological weapons could cause             authorities expressed concern over their
                       horrifying casualties in big cities” --    first discovery in the black market of
                       James Dale Davidson.                       weapons-grade plutonium from Russia.
                                                                  The substance, a powder in a red
                   A Harvard study released in March,             mercury solution that turned out to be
                   1996 warns of "nuclear anarchy" in the         plutonium 239, the material in the heart
                   immediate      future.    The      irony       of the bomb that destroyed Nagasaki in
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