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               Isaiah 43:11 (King James Version) -- I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.

               Isaiah 44:6, 8 (King James Version) -- Thus saith [YEHOVAH] the King of Israyl, and his re-
               deemer [YEHOVAH] of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside ME there is NO GOD.
               Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even
               my witnesses. Is there a GOD beside ME? yea, there is NO GOD; I know not any.

               Isaiah 45:5 (King James Version) -- I  am [YEHOVAH], and there is NONE ELSE, there is NO
               GOD beside ME: I girded thee, though thou has not known ME.

               11/.  Isaiah 9:6. It is generally known in scholarly circles that the King James Version of the Bible
               contains literally THOUSANDS of mistakes and deliberate fraud. The trouble is, even though the
               scholars admit this fact no one wants to buck the system and correct these mistakes! No one, it
               seems, wants to suffer the persecution this entails. The King James translation of Isaiah 9:6 is just
               one of these cases of deliberate fraud foisted off onto deceived people. This translation infers that
               the SON (Yeshua) was the "mighty God"; that he was the "everlasting Father" -- in other words,
               that he was PRE-EXISTENT! Let us set the record straight and present the TRUTH about that lie.
               Isaiah 9:6 in the King James Version has KEY words that are mistranslated --

                       For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his
                       shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The ever-
                       lasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

                       The first word underlined -- which has been translated "Wonderful" -- is word #6382,
               from word #6381 in Strong's Hebrew Dictionary --

                       6382. .... pele', peh'-leh; from 6381; a miracle:- marvellous thing, wonder (-ful, -fully).

                       In its original form this word was not the adjective "Wonderful" in Isaiah 9:6, but the
               NOUN "wonder" -- and it is also part of the phrase pele-yaotz, as the Hebrew and English Lexi-
               con of the Old Testament shows. The word "Counsellor" -- although relatively accurately trans-
               lated -- is translated from the Hebrew word "yaotz," word #3289 in Strong's Hebrew Dictionary;
               but the word "yaotz" is clearly shown from the previous reference to be part of a PHRASE -- not
               words with separate meanings! If you check it out for yourself you will see that this phrase actually
               means: "WONDER of a Counselor"! See how deceptive the translators have been? The "WON-
               DER" of the Counselor is the Ideal Ruler foretold to come -- which The Hebrew and English
               Lexicon of the Old Testament (p. 419) clearly and emphatically shows.

                       Now, WHO is this "Counselor," of Whom this child who is to be BORN is to be a "WON-
               DER" or an Ideal Ruler? In the next words mistranslated in the King James Version we find the an-
               swer to this question.

                       The words "MIGHTY" and "GOD" in the King James Version -- as well as other mistrans-
               lated versions -- were translated from the Hebrew words "GABUR" AND "EL," words #1386 and
               #410 in Strong's Hebrew Dictionary. According to the Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old
               Testament (p. 149), the word "GABUR" is a word that means "mighty."
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