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                       Yeshua warned us of  false messiahs and religious impostors, whose purpose was to de-
               ceive and be deceived. However, it is difficult to grasp the extremes to which these deceivers
               went to in order to bring forth a "pre-existent god-savior" who "did it all for you," so all you have
               to do now is simply "believe." The REAL PERSON behind these deceptions is, of course, Satan
               the Devil, whose sole purpose is to destroy mankind. The religious impostors who altered the
               Holy Scriptures of YEHOVAH and those who believe these same lies, are all headed for the same
               destruction. In Matthew 15:14 we read --

                       Let them alone. They are BLIND LEADERS of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind,
                       BOTH will fall into the ditch.

                       It is high time for US to remove the blinders and shake off the DECEPTIONS of this gen-
               eration and come to the realization of the TRUTH of YEHOVAH! Or, as the apostle Peter said in

                                      Why Yeshua Could NOT Have Pre-Existed

                       One could easily say, "Sure, he overcame, he was a God, but we are only human beings."
               Or one could say, "Sure, he overcame, he was an angel." But the fact is, Yeshua was neither "god"
               nor "angel" -- he was a FLESHLY HUMAN BEING who overcame! Hebrews 2:17 plainly tells us
               the following --

                       For this reason he had to be MADE LIKE his brothers in EVERY WAY, in order that he
                       might BECOME a merciful and faithful High Priest in service to YEHOVAH, and that he
                       might make atonement for the sins of the people.

                       Yeshua suffered ALL the temptations which all other human beings suffer, as Hebrews
               2:18 most emphatically records --

                       For in that he himself has suffered, being tempted, he is able to help those who are being

                       The FACT of the matter is, Yeshua HAD to be human, in order to PROVE that YEHO-
               VAH's created mankind CAN OVERCOME! Yeshua the Messiah HAD to PROVE that, yes, it is
               possible -- with the help of YEHOVAH's holy spirit -- to RESIST SATAN!

                       Yeshua was BORN flesh and blood. It was absolutely necessary for our Messiah, our High
               Priest, and our Savior sent by YEHOVAH, to be born flesh and blood -- in order that he could, in
               his OWN HUMAN SELF, PROVE that totally righteous beings COULD be developed from flesh
               and blood beings. And, in PROVING that flesh and blood COULD OVERCOME, he also proved
               that YEHOVAH's plan from the beginning -- the building of the perfect God (YEHOVAH) family
               from flesh and blood mankind does work!

                       Since Yeshua himself, being flesh and blood, OVERCAME, even though he suffered and
               was tempted, we too, being flesh and blood, can OVERCOME, even though we suffer and are

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