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                            ARCHAEOLOGY AND THE BIBLE

                    Jericho -- The Walls DID Come              uncovered in the earlier excavations, it fits the Biblical
                            Tumbling Down!                     story perfectly!

                                                               "The Italian excavation actually uncovered most of the
                In the spring of 1997, two Italian archaeologists con-  critical evidence relating to the Biblical story," said
                ducted a limited excavation on the ancient tell of  Wood. "But even more exciting is the fact that all the
                Jericho. Lorenzo Nigro and Nicolo Marchetti, working  evidence from the earlier digs has disappeared over
                under the auspices of the new Palestinian Department  time. We only have records, drawings and photos. But
                of Archaeology, excavated for one month on the  the Italians uncovered a completely new section of the
                fringes of Kathleen Kenyon's west and south trenches.  wall which we did not know still existed. I had my pho-
                Their dig was the first foreign expedition in the  tograph taken standing next to the wall where the mud-
                Palestinian-controlled areas of the West Bank since  brick collapse had just been excavated.
                self-rule began in 1994.
                                                               Unfortunately, the Italian archaeologists, the Palestin-
                After their excavation, Nigro and Marchetti announced  ian Authorities, the Associated Press and most of the
                they found no evidence for a destruction from the time  world doesn't realize any of this. It is a sad commen-
                of Joshua. While it is too soon for the academic com-  tary on the state of archaeology in the Holy Land,
                munity to see details of their discoveries, their an-  when the purpose of an excavation at a Biblical site is
                nouncement suggests their excavation was conducted  to disprove the Bible and disassociate the site with any
                to disprove the Biblical account of Joshua's capture of  historical Jewish connection.
                the city. Is it further possible that the Palestinian
                Authority supported this dig for the express purpose of  But that's why the Associates for Biblical Research is
                denouncing any Jewish connection to the site?
                                                               in business. Please pray for our efforts. Pray for the
                                                               removal of all obstacles blocking the publication of
                As to their evidence, Dr. Bryant Wood, Director of the  Dr. Wood's technical study of the pottery of Jericho.
                Associates for Biblical Research and one of the lead-
                ing experts on the archaeology of Jericho, recently re-
                sponded.  "It  matters  little  what  the  Italian  Pharaohs and Kings Confused
                archaeologists did not find in their month-long dig.
                The evidence is already in. Three major expeditions to  Over the past several years, British historian David
                the site over the past 90 years uncovered abundant evi-  Rohl has captured the imagination of many Bible stu-
                dence to support the Biblical account," he said. A dents and at the same time created quite a stir among
                Wood went on to point out, John Garstang       scholars. Through his book Pharaohs and Kings: A
                (1930-1936) and Kathleen Kenyon (1952-1958) both  Biblical Quest (Crown, 1995) and a video by the same
                dug at Jericho for six seasons and a German excavation  name, Rohl has attempted to completely overhaul an-
                directed by Ernst Sellin and Carl Watzinger dug for  cient Near Eastern chronology. His purpose is to tie
                three. All found abundant evidence of the city's de-  together Biblical personages and events to similar
                struction by fire in a layer related to the Biblical date  sounding references in ancient historical records. To
                of 1400 BC.                                    bolster his case, he quotes a number of experts in their
                                                               respective fields of Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Assyrian
                In September 1997, Dr. Wood visited Jericho and ex-  and Israelite history.
                amined the results of the Italian excavation first hand.
                Incredibly, he found the Italians had uncovered the  While the scope of his work is vast and hinges on a
                stone outer revetment wall at the base of the tell with  number of technical issues, it can be summarized as
                part of the mudbrick wall built on top of it still intact.  follows. Rohl proposed a realignment of ancient Near
                In the balk of the Italian excavation, at the outer base  Eastern chronologies, shifting dates up to 350 years.
                of the revetment wall, Wood noticed the remains of  His work attempts to fill the gaps we presently have in
                the collapsed mudbrick city walls which had tumbled.  ancient chronologies, allowing the identification of
                Not only did the Italians find the same evidence

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