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                       Correctly translated, therefore, this verse should read --

                       And to make all men plainly see how this secret is administered; which has been hidden in
                       YEHOVAH from the beginning of the ages, Who created all things.

                       Merely by leaving out the fraudulent words ADDED by uninspired men, we see that the
               apostle Paul was saying that great secret was hidden in YEHOVAH Who created all things -- NOT
               in Yeshua who came into existence later!

                       That Yeshua created everything was totally unknown to the Apostolic Fathers. One of the
               earliest non-Biblical statements of Christian faith is found in a book of 16 short chapters known as
               The Didache, or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles. The author of this book is unknown, but histo-
               rians have dated it to before or about the year 100 A.D. The Didache deals with concepts people
               would need to know to become Christians. In chapter 7, it prescribes baptism "in the name of the
               Father and of the son and of the holy spirit," the same words Yeshua used in Matthew 28:19. But it
               says absolutely nothing about the three being equal in eternity, power, position and wisdom, or that
               Yeshua created everything at his Father's command.

                       In its 10th chapter, The Didache includes the following confession of faith in the form of a

                       We thank you, Holy Father, for your holy Name which you have made to dwell in our
                       hearts; and for the knowledge and faith and immortality which you have made known to us
                       through JESUS YOUR SERVANT. Glory to you forever! YOU, Almighty Master, CRE-
                       ATED EVERYTHING for your Name's sake...And to us you have graciously given spiri-
                       tual food and drink, and life eternal through Jesus your servant (The Apostolic Fathers,
                       Vol. 3, pps. 166-7).

                       Clearly, there is no sign of Yeshua having created everything is this passage! In fact, it em-
               phatically states that YEHOVAH created everything!

                       In The Influence of Greek Ideas on Christianity, Edwin Hatch quotes the foregoing pas-
               sage and then says --

                       In  the original sphere of Christianity there does not appear to have been any great advance
                       upon these simple conceptions. The doctrine upon which stress was laid was, that God
                       [YEHOVAH] is, that He is one, that He is almighty and everlasting, that HE MADE THE
                       WORLD, that His mercy is over all His works. There was no taste for metaphysical dis-
                       cussion (p. 252).

                       It should be CLEAR to any honest-minded person that deliberate deception, by deceived
               men, has taken place in the King James Version of the Bible -- deceitful men whose sole ambition
               was to deceive you and lead you astray! And because these deceitful men have led thousands away
               from the every Word of YEHOVAH, they have successfully led them away from the TRUE SAV-
               IOR sent by YEHOVAH!

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