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                       We must realize that we too can look forward to this SAME glory that Yeshua will re-
               ceive. Just as the apostles looked forward to this glory, so should we. Notice 2 Peter 1:3:

                       As His holy power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and holiness, through the
                       full knowledge of Him Who called US to GLORY and virtue.

                       This was the very glory that Yeshua was talking about -- glory he knew he would receive
               because it was written in the prophets! He knew he would RECEIVE this glory AFTER HIS RES-
               URRECTION -- he did not have this glory before his human birth! Yeshua the Messiah, as the only
               BEGOTTEN son of YEHOVAH, will always have the honor of being at his Father's right hand --
               but he did not receive this honor (glory) until AFTER his resurrection!

                       The word translated "glory" is word #1391 in  Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon, and

                       2. magnificence, excellence, preeminence, dignity, a most glorious condition, most ex-
                       alted state; a. of that condition with God the Father in heaven to which Christ was raised
                       after he had achieved his work on earth: Lk. xxai. 26; Jn. xvii. 5

                       As the Bible says, Yeshua will receive his glory and then his enemies will be made his
               footstool. In 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 we clearly see that the last enemy that will be destroyed is
               DEATH -- but we also can see that YEHOVAH will always be exalted as THE SUPREME HEAD
               over ALL, even by Yeshua himself, who sits at YEHOVAH's right hand --

                       Then the end, when he (Yeshua) will have handed over the Kingdom to YEHOVAH, to our
                       Father, when he (Yeshua) will have destroyed every other rule, and every authority and
                       power. For he (Yeshua) MUST REIGN until he has put all enemies under his feet. The
                       last enemy that will be destroyed is death. For YEHOVAH has put all things under his feet.
                       But when it says that everything has been put under him, it is clear that THIS DOES NOT
                       INCLUDE YEHOVAH HIMSELF, Who put everything under Yeshua. When He has done
                       this, then the son himself WILL BE SUBJECT TO HIM Who put all things under him, so
                       that YEHOVAH may be acknowledged as THE SUPREME HEAD OVER ALL.

                       Clearly, when Yeshua returns to this earth (as pictured in Revelation 14:14) he will have
               all authority to destroy all other rules, authorities and powers. He will reign on earth until he has
               put all enemies under his feet and then, when YEHOVAH's Shekinah Glory returns to this earth
               (Revelation 19:11) to reside in the Temple built by Yeshua, Yeshua will hand all power over to
               Him and become subject to Him -- acknowledging that YEHOVAH is the SUPREME HEAD over
               ALL. Yeshua will then become our High Priest, ministering to YEHOVAH his Father in the Tem-
               ple of YEHOVAH!

                       Yeshua was NOT speaking of "past glory", nor of a "past life" -- as countless deceived
               people have believed. Unfortunately, people are deceived because of the pagan lies that the trans-
               lators have inserted into the scriptures! Yeshua was speaking of the glory he WAS to RECEIVE
               after he was resurrected; the glory of the only BEGOTTEN son of the Father, full of mercy and

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