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                       The first perpetrator of this FRAUD added the pagan doctrine of the Trinity to the Bible --
               that there are three gods in one: the Father (one), the "Word" (Yeshua; two) and the Holy Spirit, a
               personified third god (three). However, the other perpetrators of this false doctrine are just as
               guilty of deception since they DID NOT remove this verse from subsequent versions of the Bible
               when they uncovered the truth about it!

                       In naming the second person of this Trinity the "Word," the perpetrators of I John 5:7 were
               also promulgating the FALSEHOOD of the pagan concept found in John 1:1 (KJV) -- which says:

                       "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

                       Take note that the word "Word" is CAPITALIZED in this verse -- in order to make it ap-
               pear as though this were speaking about a being or a person. And, in this particular case, the trans-
               lators of the King James Version did want you to believe that the "Word" was God, and that "He"
               was "in the beginning WITH God" -- that "He" was pre-existent and equal with YEHOVAH.

                       It is interesting to note that in the Chaldee Targums (paraphrases of parts of the Old
               Testament written in the Chaldee language) we find that YEHOVAH is called "the Word of the
               Lord" and equated with the Shekinah Glory! It is, in fact, common practice in the Targums to find
               the word LORD (YEHOVAH) translated "the Word of the Lord" -- notice:

               KING JAMES VERSION. Numbers 10:35, 36: "And it came to pass, when the ark set forward,
               that Moses said, Rise up, LORD [YEHOVAH], and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them
               that hate thee flee before thee. And when it rested, he said, Return, O LORD [YEHOVAH], unto
               the many thousands of Israel."

                       This latter part becomes, in the Targums:

               CHALDEE TARGUMS. Numbers 10:36: "Return now, O WORD OF THE LORD, to Thy people
               Israel, make the glory of Thy SHEKINAH to dwell among them, and have mercy on the thousands
               of Israel."

                       Now look at Numbers 11:20:

               KING JAMES VERSION. Numbers 11:20: "Because that ye have despised the LORD which is
               among you."

               CHALDEE TARGUMS. Numbers 11:20: "Because ye have contemptuously rejected  THE
               WORD OF THE LORD whose SHEKINAH dwelleth among you."

                       The Greek word "Logos" was very dear to pagan minds; but, nevertheless, should properly
               have been translated "MANIFESTATION" or "SHEKINAH GLORY" in this case -- and certainly
               not confused with Yeshua the Messiah!

                       The MANIFESTATION OF YEHOVAH was with YEHOVAH "in the beginning," and it
               was YEHOVAH's manifestation (Greek possessive form). YEHOVAH's manifestation (or

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