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               Shekinah Glory) was with him in the beginning, and His manifestation was His very own, as we
               see in the first chapter of the Book of Genesis, where YEHOVAH said: "Let there be light; and
               there was light."

               4/.  John 1:14. In John 1:14 we find that according to (or by) YEHOVAH's manifestation (Sheki-
               nah Glory) flesh was CREATED. That Yeshua was born after being BEGOTTEN by YEHOVAH
               and being CONCEIVED by his mother Mary, is a scriptural FACT. Of course -- like any other
               baby -- YEHOVAH's Shekinah Glory was not with Yeshua at his birth; he had to LEARN YEHO-
               VAH's laws and commandments and way of life as he grew. But when he reached the age of about
               30 years old and had entered into YEHOVAH's ministry, he was  the walking, speaking
               manifestation (dabar-logos) of YEHOVAH, because he knew the truth of YEHOVAH, he obeyed
               the truth of YEHOVAH, and he proclaimed the truth of YEHOVAH!

                       And what is YEHOVAH's "truth"? Psalm 119:142 and Psalm 119:151 show that YEHO-
               VAH's LAW and COMMANDMENTS are "the truth."

                       Indeed, Yeshua the Messiah was YEHOVAH's manifestation in the flesh -- CREATED IN
               same way, each saint or true Christian should also be the "manifestation of YEHOVAH created in
               the flesh," -- for we should all obey in the same way that Yeshua did.

                       It should be apparent to any honest person by now that in the BEGINNING WAS THE
               MANIFESTATION OF YEHOVAH, and this MANIFESTATION was the power of YEHOVAH.
               The same manifestation (Shekinah Glory) was in the beginning with YEHOVAH and, according
               (or by) YEHOVAH's manifestation, His Son was created IN THE FLESH and dwelt among us,
               and we beheld his glory; the GLORY of the only begotten of the Father -- full of honor and truth.

                       The word for word Greek translation of John 1:14, from The New International Version
               Interlinear Greek-English New Testament, is as follows --

                       "And    the    Word    flesh    became    and    tabernacled    among    us,    and    we
                       beheld    the    glory    of    him,    glory    as    of    an    only    begotten    from    a    father,
                       full    of    grace    and    of    truth."

                       This same deception is continued by the translators in John 1:14 (KJV) which says:

                       And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as
                       of the only begotten of  the Father,) full of grace and truth.

                       The word which has been translated "MADE" in the above verse, is word #1096 in
               Strong's Greek Dictionary -- and means:

                       1096. ginomai, ghin'-om-ahee; a prol. and mid. form of a prim. verb; to cause to be
                       ("gen"-erate), i.e., (reflex.) to become (come into being),

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