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                       1. to become, i.e. to come into existence, begin to be, receive being: absol., Jn. 1. 15, 30
                       (....); Jn. viii. 58 (....); 1 Cor. xv. 37 (....); ...., to be born, Ro. i. 3 (...., come from); of the
                       origin of all things, Heb. x1. 3; ..., Jn. i. 3, 10.

                       As a result, the CORRECT translation of Galatians 4:4 should be:

                       But when the appointed time had fully come, YEHOVAH set forth His son, coming into ex-
                       istence from a woman, coming into existence under the subjection of the Law.

                       Yeshua the Messiah came into existence from a woman -- and came into existence under
               the Law. All this was done by the manifestation or Shekinah Glory of YEHOVAH, fulfilling His
               plan for a Savior -- SENT for you and me. All the scriptures agree that Yeshua came into EXIS-
               TENCE in the FLESH -- and not one second before! However, due to the corruptions of the trans-
               lators, KEY verses in the Bible were changed by ADDING words or by DECEPTIVE renderings.
               History shows that we have Constantine the "Great" -- the so-called "savior" of Christianity -- to
               thank for helping to establish a corrupted and pagan Christianity that features the doctrines of a
               PRE-EXISTENT SAVIOR within a Trinity.

               6/.  John 17:5. In John 17:5 we read the following --

                       And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with
                       thee before the world was.

                       To the untrained mind it sounds as though this verse is upholding the teaching that Yeshua
               pre-existed before his fleshly birth. But, by comparing the Greek text to the English translation and
               then letting OTHER SCRIPTURES interpret this scripture for us, it becomes very obvious that this
               scripture was also TAMPERED WITH -- TWISTED to fit prevailing pagan concepts!

                       The New International Version Greek-English New Testament by Alfred Marshall,
               shows the Greek word for word translation of this verse:

                       5.  and    now    glorify    me    thou,    Father,    with    thyself....with    the    glory    which
                         I had    before    the    the    world    to be    with    thee.

                       The first word underlined and translated "I HAD" is the IMPERFECT FORM of the Greek
               word "echo"  -- word #2192 in  Strong's Greek Dictionary. This word means: to have to hold.
               However, Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament shows this word to mean: TO
               HAVE IN STORE! Notice --

                       .... to have a thing in readiness, have at hand, have in store:

                       Therefore, the word translated "I HAD" can -- and should -- have been translated "I AM
               TO HAVE." This glory that Yeshua is said to have, is to be BEFORE the world TO COME.

                       The next word underlined -- translated "BEFORE" -- is word #4253 in Strong's, and
               means: PREVIOUSLY; that is, "PREVIOUS" to the world TO COME --

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