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                       4253. .... pro, pro; a prim. prep.; "fore," i.e. in front of, prior (fig. superior) to:- above,
                       ago, before, or ever. In comp. it retains the same significations.

                       The third word underlined -- translated "TO BE" -- is shown by  A Critical Lexicon and
               Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament (by Ethelbert W. Bullinger) to mean

                       elvai (pres. infinit.) to be, 33; be, 12; to have been, 1; have been, 1; (art, is, are,
                       be), 27; that...was (were), 10; had been, 1; that...may (might, should) be, 6; to be made, 1;
                       come, 1.

                       Now let's read this verse in the way that it should have been translated --

                       And now, O Father, You glorify me beside Your own self, with the glory which I AM TO
                       HAVE with You BEFORE the world to come.

                       Yeshua was only asking YEHOVAH to glorify him beside the Father -- or at the right hand
               of YEHOVAH's throne -- with the glory that he HE HAD IN STORE with the Father -- BEFORE
               the Kingdom of God (YEHOVAH) and BEFORE the NEW WORLD that is to come.

                       Yeshua knew full well that he was to die and be resurrected by YEHOVAH. He also knew
               that he was to be allowed to take his rightful place at the right side of YEHOVAH, and that is ex-
               actly what we find in the other scriptures that interpret this scripture. Notice Hebrews 1:1-3 --

                       Therefore, holy brothers, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle (the one
                       sent) and High Priest of our profession, Yeshua the Messiah; who was faithful to Him: YE-
                       HOVAH, Who BEGOT HIM, just as Moses was faithful in all his house. Now this one
                       (Yeshua) was counted worthy of more GLORY than Moses, since he who has built the
                       House of YEHOVAH has more honor than the House of YEHOVAH.

                       This GLORY was in fulfillment of Biblical prophecy -- and this glory was only to BEGIN
               to take place in a certain time period. In the following verses we find written:

               Hebrews 1:13: But to which of the angels has He (YEHOVAH) ever said: sit at my right hand --
               until I make your enemies your footstool?

               Psalm 110:1: YEHOVAH said to my ruler and king: sit at my right hand, until I make your ene-
               mies your footstool.

               1 Peter 1:11: Examining closely to what things, or what manner of season, which the spirit that
               was in them made clear to them, when it testified BEFOREHAND to the sufferings of Messiah,
               and the GLORY THAT WOULD FOLLOW.

               1 Peter 5:1: The elders who are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the
               sufferings of the Messiah, and ALSO A PARTAKER of the GLORY THAT WILL BE REVEALED:

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