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                non-biblical inscriptions. But did biblical    but later the letter  vav (w) was used as in the
                scribes adopt these improvements into the text  Masoretic Text (ibid., p. 58). In fact, some of
                of the OT as quickly as they came into use in  the Dead Sea Scrolls even use two consonants
                popular literature or at a later date? Such un-  in places to mark a single long vowel such as
                knowns make any effort to restore the original  alef AND  vav for a single long o, a practice
                character sequence of the OT text by removing not used in the Masoretic Text. Third, during
                matres lectionis (and other orthographic       the rabbinic and Masoretic periods as the He-
                changes) from the Hebrew text essentially      brew text was being "set in stone" there were
                impossible.                                    some attempts by scribes out of due reverence
                                                               to the original text to remove some of the later
                    When the earliest books of the OT were     spelling forms in order to restore the older
                originated matres lectionis were not used (An-  spelling patterns. However, such efforts were
                gel Saenz-Badillos, A History of the Hebrew    implemented inconsistently and only partially
                Language, p. 66), yet they occur thousands of  (which is another reason the Masoretic Text
                times just in the five books of the Pentateuch,  displays such a mixture of Hebrew spelling
                the portion of the Bible in which most of the  practices throughout).
                Bible codes occur. To return to our earlier ex-
                ample, in Genesis 1:1-5a at least twenty-one                   In Summary
                matres lectionis occur within this string of
                text. None of them were original. Remove them      The adoption of matres lectionis into the
                and the "hidden code" torah ceases to exist    Hebrew text of the OT by early Israelite
                though the meaning and pronunciation of the    scribes is only one of many problems with the
                passage remain unchanged. Ironically the       popular ELS Code and represents only one of
                spelling form used for torah in Genesis 1:1-5a  many such changes in Hebrew spelling habits
                by Code proponents is a later form of to rah   incorporated by scribes into the OT text. My
                which uses the letter vav (corresponding to our  purpose has not been to study exhaustively all
                "w") as a mater lectionis (mater is singular,  aspects of the Code or to present a complete
                matres plural) to mark the long "o." Hence     description of the history of the biblical text's
                Code proponents are using a spelling form of   transmission, but rather to show one of the
                to rah (t-w-r-h) which postdates the Mosaic    KEY reasons why the ELS Code is invalid.
                writings rather than the more archaic form (t-r-
                h) to find "codes" in the very oldest section of       I believe that the spirit of God inspired the
                the Bible.                                     books of the Old Testament as originally writ-
                                                               ten. Nevertheless, orthographic changes to the
                     Three additional issues further complicate  text of the Hebrew Old Testament did occur
                the matter. First, matres lectionis and other or-  and thousands of textual variants do exist. We
                thographic changes were incorporated into the  ignore such facts at our own peril. The good
                OT text inconsistently. The Masoretic Text is  news is that most of these anomalies affect
                "itself a mixture of orthographic forms from   only spelling (and other minor issues) and
                every stage in the history of Hebrew spelling"  have little impact on the meaning of passages.
                (Frank Moore Cross, Jr. and David Noel         Due to the efforts of textual critics we can be
                Freedman,  Early Hebrew Orthography, p.        confident that we have a version of the He-
                59). Second,  which Hebrew consonants were brew text that is generally faithful to the origi-
                used to mark which vowels changed over time.   nal. Yet the thousands of orthographic changes
                For example, when matres lectionis first came  that affect the number and order of characters
                into use the letter he (h) marked the long "o"  make any "Code" based on exact sequences of

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