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The Virgin Birth and the Messiah                                                          31

                       One source is quoted as say ing that there were many myth o log i cal fig ures: Her cu les, Osiris,
                Bac chus, Mithra, Her mes, Pro me theus, Perseus and Horus who share a num ber of fac tors. All were
                be lieved to have:

                       * been male;

                       * lived in pre-Christian times;

                       * had a god for a father;

                       * human virgin for a mother;

                       * had their birth announced by a heavenly display;

                       * had their birth announced by celestial music;

                       * been born around December 25th;

                       * had an attempt on their life by a tyrant while they were still an infant;

                       * met with a violent death;

                       * rose again from the dead.

                       Oddly, the con cept of godly pro cre ation is hinted at within Scrip ture; how ever, nei ther the
                "gods" nor the con cept are pre sented in a pos i tive light.  We read in Gen e sis chap ter 6 how the "sons
                of God" lusted for the "daugh ters of men" and co hab ited with them.  Though there is de bate as to
                what the re cord truly sig ni fies, many feel the rel e vant pas sages sug gest an gelic be ings left their
                heav enly abode be cause of their lust ful de sires for earthly women.  There are other apoc ry phal writ -
                ings that sup port this -- Enoch for in stance.  When one reads the pas sages in Gen e sis chap ter 6 with -
                out al le gor i cal in ter pre ta tion, they seem to very di rectly re fer to such min gling of an gelic be ings
                with hu man kind.

                       If one con sid ers the fact that Adam and Eve were ab so lutely per fect in all phys i cal re spects,
                and that these earthly women were only a few gen er a tions from this per fec tion, it is con ceiv able that
                the ap pear ances of the women of that time sur passed that of to day's sex i est, most stun ningly at trac -
                tive women.  They were prob a bly un imag in ably beau ti ful.  Of course the men were prob a bly  also
                amaz ingly strong and hand some, and all lived as tound ingly long lives.  It is prob a ble that the new
                body those that merit eter nal life will be given af ter the res ur rec tion will be of the same state of per -
                fec tion that the Cre ator orig i nally in tended for his most ex alted cre ation -- man kind.

                       It was these "earth babes" that the an gelic be ings lusted for and with whom they pos si bly
                had sex ual re la tions.  Again, de bate rages on this is sue; how ever, the verses seem rel a tively straight
                for ward.  It is also from these un ions that mighty men (su per hu man off spring) were pos si bly born.
                These were, in a sense, sons of the "gods".  Our point is that the godly pro cre ation of my thol ogy is

                The Berean Voice
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