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P. 35

Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                   35

                 I re al ize this is a large or der so a “no” an swer is un der - week....etc. I am grate ful  to have my ques tions  an -
                 stood, but please write me with an an swer. Mr. Keyser, I swered at last. The Sab bath  was dif fi cult,  when you
                 re ally ap pre ci ate your con sid er ation.   have learned all these years that there are 6 days to
                                                                work and the 7th (one day) is the Sab bath and it con tin -
                 Sincerely,                                                                          ues through the years as a unit. It was strange that it
                 M. B.                                                                       was not reck oned with the Feasts that were lu nar, but I
                 (Calipatria, California)                       think one takes cer tain things for granted when you do
                                                                not have the study ma te rial to check up on what you are
                 COMMENT:  The above-men tioned  ar ti cles  and book told (and now that I know how it works and see the per -
                 have been for warded  to you. Re gard ing  a per sonal fec tion of it, I can not un der stand how we could have
                 “teacher” -- we are very short-handed at the pres ent time thought of it as NOT a Feast day as it is grouped with
                 and are un able to com ply with your re quest. How ever, we the Feasts in Le vit i cus 23). I think the prob lem is too,
                 will con tinue to send you the mag a zine and any ar ti cles that you have to re learn so many things, com ing out of
                 etc., you re quest.                            the hea then ism of the Protestant churches, that you do
                                                                not con cen trate hard enough on one sub ject at a time
                                       ***                      and cer tain  ques tions  only start com ing  af ter wards
                                                                when you start go ing  over and over some thing  that
                 Care ful of your pre dic tions. Most re li gious peo ple I have starts nag ging at your better self. A friend of mine al -
                 stud ied,  make fools of them selves  in this area, i.e. the ways said that you just keep on study ing and pray ing to
                 Antichrist has been ac cused of be ing Sta lin, Hit ler, John Yehovah God to give you truth and He will not fail
                 Ken nedy,  Bob Ken nedy,  Kissinger, Clinton, Cas tro, you, which He did not -- He took me slowly and led me
                 Nixon, and this list goes on.                  out of er ror,  and I am still learn ing  and grow ing  in
                 P.S. I am a born again Chris tian, I want to see true Chris -
                 tian in for ma tion, not guess ing. Bot tom line, be lieve in Je - I went to D. And M. C. For the Feast and got clar ity
                 sus and you will be saved, and the world will come to an about the lu nar Sab bath and when to keep it. We en -
                 end in GOD’s time.                             joyed the Feast, but re al ized af ter wards that we had to
                                                                keep it a month later while we were at it, so D. And M.
                 COMMENT: I am in full agreement with you regarding  kept it a sec ond time (they are farm ers) but I have a job
                 the Antichrist.                                and I have a rul ing right from the be gin ning about my
                                                                Feast days and can’t ex pect them to ac com mo date my
                                       ***                      mis takes -- we are only two la dies and this lady has to
                                                                keep the fort alone when I am at the Feasts. We did n’t
                 Dear Mr. Keyser                                fathom the equi noxes and sol stices, but we do now. I
                                                                kept the lu nar Sab bath as from De cem ber. I was go ing
                 Thank you for all the Berean Voice  Mag a zines.  I thor - to leave the job on the 13th of De cem ber, but my boss
                 oughly en joy all the “new” in for ma tion.    asked me to stay on a month or two to teach some body
                                                                else -- they still have n’t got one, so I am still help ing
                 I have been study ing with the churches of God since 1974 out, but keep ing the lu nar  Sab bath. I’ll try to live on
                 and been bap tized since 1983. Lots of the things sounded what I’ve got when I leave -- I am let ting my house, so
                 right at the time and oth ers I ar gued about, like the new I have some thing to fall back on. I am at re tire ment
                 moon be ing men tioned al ways with the Sab bath, the “two”  age, but do not have a pen sion, but I am sure my hus -
                 Gods which al ways sat with me as be ing hea then, be cause band (2nd) and I will sur vive. He was payed off with a
                 there is only ONE God, and the day of Pen te cost af ter the lot of oth ers at Telkom when they started the “af fir ma -
                 Sab bath,  which Dankenbring says is the day af ter  a tive ac tion” pro gram to give blacks jobs.

                The Berean Voice
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