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The Virgin Birth and the Messiah                                                          27

                dom i nant mean ing is sim ply off spring; thus, seed means off spring and is cor rectly trans lated as
                such in many ver sions of Scrip ture.

                       Gen e sis 3:15 is sim ply say ing that from Eve's off spring (the HUMAN race, NOT some
                code word for Mary's egg) would arise one or pos si bly   many (Mes siahs  or the "Is rael"  of
                YEHOVAH God) that will crush the head of Sa tan.  There is noth ing mys te ri ous or mys ti cal at all
                about the clear and sim ple mean ing of the verse.  All man kind were off spring of Adam and Eve.
                The idea pro moted by the vir gin birth ad her ents, which is that Gen e sis 3:15 rep re sents some mys te -
                ri ous "code" that ne gates ALL the sub se quent proph e cies show ing that Mes siah would be a de scen -
                dant of King Da vid through his fa ther, is an out land ish  as sump tion  and is shown to be an
                un par al leled at tempt at de cep tion by tra di tional Chris tian lead ers.  Also, since Eve's off spring are
                HUMAN BEINGS, the "God in the flesh" teach ing is fur ther weak ened since IF the Mes siah
                is "God", he is NOT hu man, de spite the blas phe mous ver bal gym nas tics con ducted by those
                that pro mote one can be both hu man and God.  This par tic u lar mis rep re sen ta tion of Scrip ture
                (Gen. 3:15) is one of those false doc trines for which we show lit tle pa tience to wards its pro mot ers
                due to their in tent to de mol ish the clear Scrip tural con text just so they can sal vage a pri mary lie the
                great har lot church hopes to pro mote.

                       The Scrip tures VERY CLEARLY prove, in case af ter case af ter case, that one's ge ne al ogy
                is traced THROUGH THE FATHER.  It is for this rea son, for example, that we read in Kings and
                Chron i cles in stances of where the sons of Kings were killed by wicked rul ers in an at tempt to pre -
                vent the seed of Da vid from con tin u ing on as kings of Ju dah, and where YEHOVAH God al lowed
                the sons of var i ous wicked men to be killed in or der to de stroy their seed (elim i nate their fu ture off -
                spring).  Obed, the Is raeli grand fa ther of King Da vid, had Ruth, a Moabite, as his mother.  Sim i larly
                Rahab, the non-Is ra el ite har lot, is an an ces tor of the Mes siah.  How ever, since it is ALWAYS the
                fa ther that de ter mines one's Bib li cal her i tage, the non-Is ra el ite sta tus of these women is mean ing -

                       Note also that the an ces try of Yeshua shown in Mat thew and Luke is dom i nated by
                men with only a few pass ing ref er ences to women.  Some at tempt to pro mote the to tally false
                teach ing that the Luke ge ne al ogy was for Mary, de spite the fact the verses in Luke's gos pel
                very clearly carry them through to Jo seph.  Frankly, the in sis tence that the Luke ge ne al ogy ap -
                plies to Mary is one of the more ob vi ous ex am ples of out right de cep tion by Chris tians and coun ter -
                feit Messianics as they at tempt to "prove" their false godly pro cre ation teach ing,  and should be
                noted as clear ev i dence of how far some will go in their at tempts to pro mote bla tant false hood.

                       So, why do Constantinian Chris tians and coun ter feit Messianics at tempt to mis rep re sent the
                clear read ing of the ge ne al ogy ac counts of Mat thew and Luke?  An swer: Be cause of the ob vi ous er -
                ror pre sented in New Tes ta ment writ ings re gard ing the an ces try of Mes siah Yeshua.  The de ceiv ers
                fran ti cally at tempt to side-step the VERY CLEAR fact that the dif fer ing ge ne al o gies shown in the
                Mat thew and Luke gos pel ac counts PROVE the gos pels to be cor rupt!

                       There is no way around the fact that Mat thew and Luke can not both be cor rect in
                their pre sen ta tion of dif fer ent re cords of Yeshua's an ces try.  How ever, in stead of ad mit ting the
                ob vi ous truth that these verses prove the New Tes ta ment writ ings are NOT in fal li ble, Chris tians
                and Messianics en gage in hope less ver bal gym nas tics in an at tempt to cover up the fact that the dif -

                The Berean Voice
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