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28                                                         The Virgin Birth and the Messiah

                fer ences pro vide strong ev i dence of scri bal ma nip u la tion.  They, of course, wish to cover up the ge -
                ne a log i cal dis crep ancy and hope their fol low ers will not no tice the glar ing con tra dic tion.  Their
                pri mary strat egy, used to ex plain away the ob vi ous er ror, is shame less de cep tion.  They pro mote the
                de vi ous and to tally base less con cept that one ac count is for Jo seph and the other for Mary -- de spite
                the fact both ac counts list Jo seph as the fo cus of the ge ne a log i cal re cord.  Sadly, the ma jor ity of
                Chris tians and Messianics swal low the lie hook, line, and sinker as they do nu mer ous other ob vi ous
                false teach ings.

                       Some will ar gue that since Ju da ism teaches one's ethic her i tage is de rived from the mother,
                this proves the Mes siah did not have to have an earthly fa ther.  So, de spite the anti-Ju daic stance of
                Chris tian ity, Rab binic tra di tions are some times used in a twisted at tempt to sup port Yeshua's pre -
                sumed de ity.  How ever, it should be noted how odd it is that Chris tian ity adopts "Ju daic" prin ci ples
                when those prin ci ples sup port them and con demns them as "works of the law" when they do not!

                       The Rab binic tra di tion that one's Jew ish ness is trans ferred through the mother ac tu ally orig -
                i nated as a rul ing of Ju daic au thor i ties in the early cen tu ries.  It was cre ated in re ac tion to the large
                num bers  of Jew ish  women that pro duced  off spring  re sult ing  from rape by Romans and other
                non-Jews.  Of course, abor tion was not an is sue as it is to day; there fore, the mother would be shoul -
                dered with the re spon si bil ity of rais ing and train ing the child.  Such a task would have been ex -
                tremely dif fi cult had she and/or the child been os tra cized by the Jew ish com mu nity.  The Or tho dox
                Jew ish com mu nity can be EXTREMELY harsh to wards those that dare break from tra di tion.  The
                Jew ish au thor i ties (San hed rin) sym pa thet i cally rec og nized the tre men dous bur den of both mother
                and child and thus ruled that the child was fully Jew ish de spite the fact the fa ther was not.  It was in -
                tended to be an in clu sive and well-mean ing opin ion of the Sages that al lowed the chil dren of such
                bru tal ity to be counted as fully Jew ish -- with all rights and priv i leges -- and thus ac cepted and sup -
                ported by the com mu nity.  The ma tri archal (vs. pa tri ar chal) Jew ish ped i gree is NOT based upon
                Scrip ture, though the Rabbis pros pect for Scrip tural sup port for it.  Un for tu nately, what was in -
                tended as an INCLUSIVE rul ing has be come EXCLUSIVE; thus, even to this day, one is "Jew ish"
                only if his/her mother is Jew ish de spite the fact Scrip ture pres ents an op po site "rul ing".  Bot tom
                and rep re sents one of many Rab binic rul ings ("tra di tions of men") that have be come "To rah" for Ju -
                da ism as Rab binic law supercedes and/or ap pends YEHOVAH's laws

                       The ex am ples are nu mer ous that prove be yond a shadow of a doubt that one's an ces try is de -
                ter mined  by who fa thered them.  The ped i gree is de ter mined  by the fa ther -- NOT the mother.
                There fore, with this in mind, the vir gin birth be comes a SERIOUS is sue be cause if Yeshua the Mes -
                siah did NOT have an earthly fa ther, he is NOT the Mes siah!  Thus the Beastly re li gious sys tem,
                rep re sented by the great har lot of Rome, has shown her antichrist (usurper of Mes siah, re place ment
                Mes siah) foun da tions again by re mov ing from the Mes si anic re sume of Yeshua THE pri mary de -
                mand for be ing the Mes siah, which is that he be LITERALLY an off spring of King Da vid through
                his fa ther.  And note this, if the vir gin birth is true, Yeshua can not pos si bly be the Mes siah!

                       This is a MAJOR point!  IF YESHUA DID NOT HAVE AN EARTHLY FATHER WITH
                DAVID AS AN ANCESTOR, YESHUA IS NOT THE MESSIAH!  Why Chris tian and coun ter feit
                Mes si anic lead ers dis miss this im por tant point is a cause for deep con cern and won der to us, be -

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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