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34                                                                  Hope of Israel Mail Bag

                 cion of things that re sem ble the time in his tory when the I love to study the scrip tures and to pray, but I have no
                 Plantagenet king, Ed ward I, in vaded Scot land to im pose one to teach me. If you were to ap point some one  to
                 his form of lib erty on us. Even though Tony Blair is a Scot,  teach me I prom ise to NOT be a bur den in any way. I
                 I don’t think he is a stu dent of his tory, nei ther is Dubya.  don’t need to know a name. I want to learn the Truth.
                                                                Will you please help me? I will an swer only ques tion
                 Talking about your old home town -- Auckland -- they are asked to me. There’s noth ing to hide. I know that there
                 hav ing real prob lems with the roading sys tem (it was prob - are peo ple who don’t think pris on ers de serve eter nal
                 a bly like that when you were there) but un for tu nately they life. I agree only if these pris on ers are un re pen tant and
                 are about 25 years too late and grid lock is com mon. Oh, un be liev ers, but does n’t that go for any one? I have re -
                 well maybe they should have lis tened to the for mer mayor,  pented of my past sins and I study the Law of
                 Sir Dovemeyer Rob in son.                      YEHOVAH so I will not re peat my past sins. At the
                                                                end of this let ter will be a re quest for cer tain study ma -
                 Any how John, thanks for the email and all the best from us  te ri als. If you are able to grant my re quest I would re -
                 in North land.                                 ally ap pre ci ate it. If you are un able to grant this re quest
                                                                I do un der stand.
                 Always your aye
                 W.                                                                         I will close for now. I hope to hear from you soon with
                 (Whangarei, New Zealand)                       an an swer  to this ap peal.  Please fol low  the mail ing
                                                                rules listed be low? May YEHOVAH bless you daily
                                       ***                      ac cord ing to Num bers 6:24-26.

                 Dear Mr. John D. Keyser,                       No hard cover books
                                                                No more than 10 books
                 Greet ings  in the great Name of our Heav enly  Fa ther Mailing pack age must have sticker type mail ing la bel
                 YEHOVAH. I re ceived a copy of The Berean Voice No - (no stamp/hand writ ten  la bel)
                 vem ber-De cem ber 2002. I re ally ap pre ci ate your kind ness Books/book lets/pam phlets must come from book store,
                 of send ing me this is sue. A dear friend of mine re quested pub lisher or re li gious or ga ni za tion only. No per sonal
                 this is sue for me. I do re quest to re ceive these study book - send ers
                 lets on a reg u lar ba sis?                    No stuffed/in su lated en ve lopes.

                 Sir, I have a prob lem and I ap peal to you for help. I want to Requested study articles:
                 learn ev ery thing  there is to learn, but I do not have a
                 teacher. I be lieve the 12 tribes of Is rael are still ex ist ing, #1  Have We Been Ob serving  the Sab bath  At the
                 but scat tered through out the globe, I be lieve in the 7th day Wrong Time All These Years?
                 Sab bath by count ing from the New Moons, I be lieve in the #2  Sab bath  Truth Post poned
                 keep ing of the scrip tural Feast Days, but there are many #3  The New Moon and Weekly Sab bath Side By Side
                 sub jects of the truth that I do not know. Will you please #4  From Sab bath to Sat ur day: The Story of the Jew ish
                 teach me through your lit er a ture?  Will you please write Rest Day
                 down the dates of the New Moons and Sab baths  of #5  The Omer Count and God’s Weekly Cy cle
                 2003-2004? I do not have money to of fer, but when ever  I #6  A Lu nar-Based Sab bath in Bib li cal Texts
                 get money I will pay my tithes to “Hope of Is rael Min is - #7  A Unique Lu nar-Based Cal en dar (No larger than
                 tries.” Do you have a few back is sues of The Berean Voice 8” X 10”)
                 with some im por tant  doc trines  in it? I’m sure you’re a #8  Be hind the Veil: Un masking Is lam
                 busy man, but I ap peal to you for help.

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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