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26                                                         The Virgin Birth and the Messiah

                will dis cuss shortly, is some how over ruled by this verse.  This is one of the best ex am ples of shame -
                less con text shred ding and false doc trine that one can point to within tra di tional Chris tian ity and is,
                in deed, an em bar rass ingly des per ate teach ing.  In this case, the con text be ing shred ded is the en tire
                Bi ble, which shows the Mes siah to be the LITERAL off spring of King Da vid!  Let's ex am ine these

                       First, the word ren dered as "seed" or "off spring" is the He brew word zera. The En hanced
                Strong's Lex i con shows the word (Strong's #2233) oc curs 229 times in the He brew Scrip tures.
                Note that it is shown to be a MASCULINE noun.  The Au tho rized Ver sion (KJV) trans lates it as
                seed 221 times, child twice, and also other times as car nally, fruit ful, seed time, and sow ing  time.
                Strong's also shows the mean ing as:

                * seed    * sowing    * offspring    * semen virile    * descendants    * posterity    * children

                       The Theo log i cal Word book of the Old Tes ta ment pres ents the fol low ing in for ma tion re -
                gard ing the He brew word, zera. As you read this note how the pri mary mean ing most def i nitely im -
                plies it is the MALE re pro duc tive func tion that dom i nates the def i ni tion, NOT the fe male.

                       zera: Sowing, seed, off spring. This noun is used 224 times. Its us ages fall into four ba sic se -
                       man tic cat e go ries:1. The time of sow ing, seed time; 2. the seed as that which is scat tered or
                       as the prod uct of what is sown; 3. the seed as se men and 4. the Seed as the off spring in the
                       prom ised line of Abra ham, Isaac, and Ja cob or in other groups sep a rate from this peo ple of
                       prom ise. (Har ris, R. L. (1999, c1980). Theo log i cal Word book of the Old Tes ta ment (pages
                       252-253), Chi cago: Moody Press.

                       Finally, within the def i ni tion found in the Dic tio nary of Bib li cal Lan guages with Se man tic
                Do mains : He brew (Old Tes ta ment) we find the fol low ing:

                       (zera): n.masc.; = Str 2233; TWOT 582a - 1. LN 3.35 seed, i.e., a ker nel part of a plant that
                       prop a gates the spe cies (Ge 1:11); 2. LN 8.70-8.77 se men, i.e., the prod uct of the male
                       gen i tals (Lev 15:16); 3. LN 9.41-9.45 child, i.e., one that is the di rect off spring (Ge 15:3); 4.
                       LN 10.14-10.48 off spring, de scen dant, pos ter ity, i.e., one that is re lated more than one
                       gen er a tion  re moved  (Ge 3:15); 5. LN 11.90-11.95 fam ily,  clan, i.e., an ex tended  fam ily
                       group based on a com mon an ces tor (Ge 19:32, 34); 6. LN 11.12-11.54 race, i.e., a very ex -
                       tended fam ily line based on many dif fer ent cri te ria, with a fo cus on re li gious ties (Ezr 9:2)
                       Swanson, J. (1997). Dic tio nary of Bib li cal Lan guages with Se man tic Do mains : He brew
                       (Old Tes ta ment) (HGK2446). Oak Har bor: Logos Re search Sys tems, Inc.

                       We re al ize the in for ma tion just pre sented may seem like over kill; how ever, the main point
                shown is that the term sim ply means off spring.  Also, since the term is mas cu line, dis tort ing it to
                re fer to the "seed" (egg) of Mary in stead of the "seed" (sperm) of Jo seph is proven to be noth -
                ing more than hope less, in ten tional false hood by those un will ing to re lease their em brace  of
                er ror.  There are nu mer ous clear ref er ences to spe cific ap pli ca tions of the term to male sem i nal
                emis sion.  How ever, there are no ref er ences to it, that we found, where it re fers spe cif i cally to the
                fe male egg; yet, this is pre cisely what pan icky tra di tional Chris tian and coun ter feit Mes si anic pro -
                mot ers of er ror im plic itly and/or ex plic itly im ply as the mean ing in Gen e sis 3:15.  How ever, the

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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