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36                                                                  Hope of Israel Mail Bag

                 Thank you so much for study ing so dil i gently and to teach I’ve been pray ing for some time about women in the
                 us so pains tak ingly what the real Sab bath is. The Sab bath as sem bly.  And I don’t see any thing  or few ar ti cles
                 and the Feast days fit to gether so beau ti fully.  pub lished by women, and there are no women min is -
                                                                ters in any as sem bly that I know of, and my know ing
                 Are we get ting a new Cal en dar for 2003? I don’t have an of, is of course very re stricted as I live in a very de -
                 Internet, but I go by a worked out cal en dar which so far has  serted area.
                 been spot on -- got it from D.C. They also let me know
                 when they hear from the Karaites.              Now, af ter much pray ing for a lengthy time, I was in a
                                                                store, used, that is sec ond hand. And I came across this
                 I see the rea son why the Jews changed the cal en dar as they book, which I’m in the depth of read ing. Kath er ine C.
                 did -- to live in Bab y lon (as we are also in Bab y lon to day) Bushnell wrote this and it was pub lished some 80 years
                 and keep God’s Sab baths  is a very dif fi cult  sit u a tion  -- ago. “God’s” Word to Women.” I’m on my knees
                 who do you work for? Bab y lo nians have a week and work - thank ing  for this book, it is a study book. Not any
                 days and they will not al ways ac com mo date you with your  novel, this woman was a mis sion ary to China, it does
                 off days -- in other words you have your off days plus their not say in what years. But this is a book that you should
                 off days and they think it is very un fair. The Sat ur day Sab - have, I do not know how many cop ies are out there.
                 bath and the Holy Days they can still ac com mo date as Sat - But cer tainly if I found it in a small store in Colville,
                 ur day in to day’s life is not an of fi cial work ing day ex cept there has to be more. Please find this book, read it, and
                 in the shops. But, if they be lieved  in the Mes siah,  they find out that women may be min is ters, preach ing and
                 would have had their own coun try back and been obe di ent,  teach ing,  and un til  then, the strug gle  with the flesh,
                 not so?                                        world and the devil will go on. PLEASE READ THIS
                                                                BOOK. Women could also pub lish the word, as it so
                 May Yehovah bless you and your fam ily  and give you states in Psalm 68:11.
                 health and lots of power to go on -- we keep you in our
                 prayers. We await your mag a zine with im pa tience. Love Thanks for lis ten ing to an old woman -- I’m 74, and
                 ALL your ar ti cles, they make sense, and the ones on the still in ter ested  in Yahweh’s word. May it bless you
                 Mos lems  are ex cel lent  too. I am try ing  to get a pic ture very much and if pos si ble,  print this in the Berean
                 mag a zine back from friends of mine so that I can send it to Voice, pos si bly some one else out there has a copy or
                 you -- a Je suit priest who left the Ro man Cath o lic Church cop ies of this book.
                 wrote it about the Mos lems and he al leges that they started
                 the Mos lem re li gion through Mo ham med’s wife who in - R.C.
                 doc tri nated him, so that the Mos lems (Arabs) could take (Washington)
                 Je ru sa lem for them.
                                                                If there was a way to re print this book, I would surely
                 Yours faithfully,                                                      do it. I’ve a grand son who works in Thou sand Oaks,
                 H.M.G. (South Africa)                          and does work at one of those places that does print ing,
                                                                must write to him and ask if this is pos si ble.
                 COMMENT:     Thank you for your let ter.  Keeping
                 YEHOVAH’s true Sab bath day is not easy in this world of I paid .75c for this book, worth much more.
                 ours, but YEHOVAH al ways pro vides a way. Else where
                 in this mag a zine is a ba sic Sab bath and Holy Day cal en dar. COMMENT:  While YEHOVAH God places much
                                                                im por tance in the role of women in His Plan, He does
                                       ***                      not al low women to be min is ters of con gre ga tions nor
                                                                preach dur ing ser vices. No tice what Paul says in I Co -
                 Dear Mr. Keyser,                               rin thi ans 14:34-35:

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