Page 60 - BV13
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"And when God took compact with the Prophets: That I have given you of Book and Wis-
               dom; then there shall come to you a Messenger confirming what is with you -- you shall be-
               lieve in him and you take my load on you on that condition? They said, "We do agree". God
               said, "Bear witness so, and I shall be with you among the witnesses. Then whosoever turns
               his back after that they are the ungodly." (The House of Imran)

               Since umbilical cord is the only source of supplying nourishment, the baby in the womb
        cannot stay alive without being attached to it. If this fable were true, Muhammad would have lived
        without food and water after birth, but he did need food and water like everybody else. In fact,
        people said, since he ate food and moved about in the streets like other humans, he would not be a
        prophet. He retorted that all prophets ate and drank, and moved about in the streets as he did.

               In a nutshell, the above statement means that before Adam was created, God made a cove-
        nant with the future Prophets that they would acknowledge Muhammad as the Prophet and also tell
        their followers to believe in him. If they did not keep the pact, they would become ungodly.

               It shows that the dictates of Dominance-Urge can be tremendously violent. Muhammad
        wanted to be followed not only by ordinary people but also by the other prophets!

               One wonders how Allah made a pact with the Prophets before even they were born? If they
        existed before the creation, they must have received the Holy Status through Allah's guidance,
        which enabled them to cultivate a special relationship with Him.

               The Koran contradicts it openly and decisively:

               "And thus have We inspired in thee (Muhammad) a Spirit in Our Command. Thou knowest
               not what the Scripture was, not what the faith. But we made it a light whereby We guide
               whom We will of our bondsmen." (XLII - Counsel: 50)

               In simple language, it means that Muhammad was unguided and knew nothing about the
        True Faith until Allah revealed Scripture (the Koran) to him! He claimed to have received his first
        revelation when he was forty. Until then, he was unguided. Therefore, he could not have been cre-
        ated from God's light. Thus, all these tales connected with his birth are nothing but glorified for-
        geries of those who wanted to cash in on his achievements as a great man.

               If this is not enough, look at the following:

               "That Allah may forgive thee (Muhammad) of thy sin that which is past and which is to
               come, and may perfect his favor unto thee, and may guide thee on a right path." (XLVIII -
               Victory: 21)

               This verse is supposed to be related to the Pact of HUDAIBIYA, when Muhammad was
        over fifty years old. Here the Koran testifies to the following facts:

        1. Muhammad had committed sins in the past.

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