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Allah has been made to perform for Muhammad the function of early dawn, which acts as a
        temporary curtain and then disappears when the sun reveals its face. Allah is just a euphemism for
        Muhammad and Jehad is the medium to disclose this truth by raising Muhammad to the summit.

               This indirect approach of Muhammad displays his wisdom, wonder and wizardry. He ap-
        parently claimed to be the humble servant of Allah and sought His glory "only". This approach in-
        volved opposition to idolatry and therefore caused him a lot of trouble, torment and torture. This
        showed that he had no ax to grind in his mission. The analysis of the Kalmah  and his success-
        story, however, clearly demonstrate that he opposed idolatry, to destroy all statues so that he him-
        self could be the only idol!

               Again, Allah was the God of *Arabia, who appeared as a popular suffix in ordinary names;
        for example, Muhammad's father's name was Abd Allah (the servant of Allah). Because of this
        popularity, his *1) idol was worshipped in the Kaaba, and it was ascribed to the Koresh, the tribe
        of Muhammad; this fact bestowed a good deal of reverence and social advantages on them. Claim-
        ing to be the Prophet of Allah and suffering for his cause could not go unnoticed indefinitely.

               This is the reason that Muhammad chose to be Allah's Prophet. In fact, he claimed to have
        been *2) forced by Allah to act as His Vicar. It happened when Muhammad meditated in a desert
        cave called Hira. To his amazement, there appeared the Angel Gabriel with a written message
        from Allah though Muhammad was illiterate! He commanded Muhammad:

               Read: In the name of thy Lord (Allah) who created. Createth man from a clot.

               Read: It is thy Lord the Most Bountiful who teacheth pen, teacheth man that which he knew

               The Islamic doctrine makes it abundantly clear that just faith in Allah does not make anyone
        a Muslim; he must believe in both Allah and Muhammad. Does it not mean that Allah is nothing
        without Muhammad or, more properly, Allah and Muhammad are one and the same person? In fact,
        the proper conclusion is that Muhammad is Allah because people could communicate with Mu-
        hammad and not Allah. Again, it was Muhammad's word which counted as Allah's Word, and Al-
        lah was nothing but as Muhammad portrayed Him. Yet, the  Koran          occasionally describes
        Muhammad as Allah's slave! Do slaves control their masters? What an inconsistency it is!

               If we delve deeper into the Koran, it transpires that Muhammad is, in fact, a human who
        masterfully substitutes himself for Allah: See for yourself the subtlety he exercised in achieving
        this goal:

        (a) He integrated his name with that of Allah in the Kalmah, despite the fact that it is absolutely
        unnecessary to do so. Why? Because the Prophet has no duty to guide people; it is exclusively Al-
        lah's function:

               1/. "Thou (Muhammad) art not responsible for guiding them, but God guides whomsoever
               He will." (The Cow: 275)

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