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The Prophet Muhammad was not a dreamer but a practical man. His plan for achieving
        Godhead was well thought out: he prepared a scheme of nationalism, which revolved around his
        personal glory. He decided to raise a strong Arab nation, which must be conditioned to his name
        and carry the flag of his Divinity as a victor throughout the world. This is why he inspired his peo-
        ple with the fiery spirit of nationalism to build a large Arab Empire. Look at the following hadiths
        which establish this truth beyond a shadow of doubt:

               1/. Paradise lies under the shades of swords. (Albokhari, Vol. 4)

               2/. The Prophet said, "Before long, you (the Arabs) will conquer many countries and cities.
               Qazvin, shall be one of such places. The person who takes part in that battle for forty nights
               or forty days, will be given a gold pillar in paradise encrusted with jades and rubies. He
               will enjoy residing in a palace, having seventy thousand gates, and each gate shall be at-
               tended by a houri as his wife." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 169)

               The Prophet said:

               3/. "Acting as Allah's soldier for one night in a battlefield is superior to saying prayers at
               home for 2,000 years." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 166)

               4/. The Prophet said: "He who travels to participate in a Jehad, the dust he encounters in
               the process, shall become fragrance for him on the Day of Judgment. (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol.
               2, p. 167)

               Here is a hadith, which confirms the Prophet's imperial designs. He obviously dreamt of
        an Arab Empire which stretched far beyond its own frontiers to envelop a major part of the world.

               The Prophet said:

               5/. "The one who receives martyrdom in a sea-battle is equal to two martyrs of a land-bat-
               tle..." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 168)

               6/. The Prophet said: "He who reared a horse for the sole intention of using it in a Jehad,
               then he will be rewarded one virtue for each grain he gave the horse as a feed." (Ibn-E-
               Majah, Vol. 2, p. 172)

               7/. The Prophet said: "If a man participates in a Jehad for only as long as it takes to milk a
               she-camel, he becomes entitled to paradise." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 173)

               8/. The Prophet said: "The superior Jehad is the one in which both the crusader and his
               horse are wounded." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 173)

               9/. The Prophet said: "A martyr (in Jehad) is dressed in radiant robes of faith: he is mar-
               ried to houries and is allowed by Allah to intercede for seventy men (i.e. he is authorized
               by God to recommend seventy men for entry into paradise, and his intercession is sure to
               be granted.) (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 174)
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