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2/. "Your Lord knows you very well; if He will, He will have mercy on you, or, if He will,
                              He will chastise you; We (Allah) sent thee not to be a guardian over them..." (The Night
                              Journey: 55)

                              This verse clearly states that Muhammad himself, being subject to Allah's mercy and pun-
                       ishment, has not been appointed a guardian over people -- he is just a warner and a human. Yet he
                       combines his name with that of Allah to become His equal!

                       (b)  Muhammad's scheme of Divinity springs from his Urge of Dominance; it is well measured,
                       right from the beginning. With a view to gaining people's confidence and to assure them that he has
                       no personal interest in the matter, he presents himself as a humble person:

                              1/. "So go thou (Muhammad) straight, as thou hast been commanded, and whoso repents
                              with thee, and be you non insolent; surely He (Allah) sees the things you do." (Hood: 114)

                              2/. "Proclaim thy Lord's praise, and be of those that bow, and serve they Lord, until the
                              Certain comes to thee." (El-Hijr, 15: 95)

                              3/. "This is the wisdom thy Lord has revealed to thee: Set not up with God another God, or
                              thou will be cast into Hell, reproached and rejected." (The Night Journey: 40)

                              These verses clearly show that Muhammad is liable to go astray like other humans, and is
                       subject to the punishment of hell. He must praise Allah by bowing and bending before Him so that
                       he is guided.

                       (c) The Prophet is subject to Divine punishment because he is human and nothing else:

                              1/. "...say glory be to my Lord! I am nothing but a mortal, a messenger." (The Night Jour-
                              ney: 95)

                              2/. "Say, I have only been commanded to serve God, and not to associate anyone with Him.
                              To Him I call, and to Him I turn." (Thunder: 35)

                              Even more than this, the Prophet is a mortal and subject to resurrection:

                              3/. "You art mortal; and they (other people) are mortal, then on the Day of Resurrection be-
                              fore your Lord you shall dispute." (The Companies: 475)

                       (d) The Prophet has no supernatural powers, whatever:

                              "And I know not what shall be done with me or with you. I only follow what is revealed to
                              me; I am only a clear warner." (The Sand-Dunes: 5)

                              Even Allah confirms Muhammad's humanity loud and clear:

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