Page 59 - BV13
P. 59

"God and His angels pray peace to the Prophet, O believers, you must also bless him, and
                              pray him peace." (The Confederates: 55)

                              In every religion, it is man who worships God, but in Islam, it is God and his angels, who
                       worship Muhammad, and the ordinary believers are required to follow them. Praying peace to Mu-
                       hammad is an integral part of the Islamic rituals such as DAROOD and NAMAZ; they are per-
                       formed at least five times a day, and are the true form of worship. Yet, the Muslims claim that their
                       religion is monotheistic, that is, they believe in, and worship one God!

                              This is a travesty of the truth, and hence the most stunning Koranic inconsistency. Its foun-
                       tain is man's dominance-urge, which goads him to achieve the highest point of power and prestige.
                       As Godhead is the apex of might and reverence, projecting oneself to be God and worshipped as
                       such, comes to man as a natural folly. Since fake Godhead is the exact opposite of true Divinity,
                       there are countless tin-gods in all religions imposing themselves on ordinary folks in one form or
                       another through deception, violence and trickery.

                              All aspirants to godhead are not bold and daring to claim Divinity directly. Therefore, they
                       start exaggerating the magnificence of their established prophets and messiahs to distinguish them-
                       selves as saints, crusaders and protectors of the faith. The priest and politician are the worst cul-
                       prits in this field for using religion as the source of livelihood, securing followers and achieving
                       political ambitions.

                              Just look at the following to realize how some Muslim zealots have drummed up the sanc-
                       tity of Muhammad out of all proportions:

                       1/.  When Muhammad was born, the whole house was filled with light, and the stars in the sky
                       bowed to such an extent as if they were about to fall on the earth.

                       2/. The fire-worshippers of Iran noticed that their temple-hearth, which had been lit for a thousand
                       years, turned ice-old.

                       3/.  Muhammad was born circumcised and detached from the *umbilical cord and there was no
                       pollution on his body at the time of birth as is the case with every human baby.

                       4/. SHAIKH AHMAD SIRHANDI who is considered a MUJADDAD, described a hadith in one
                       of his letters, which describes the Prophet as saying: "I have been created from the Divine Light."

                       5/. A hadith of JAME TIRMZE, Vol. 2, claims that Muhammad was a Prophet when the body and
                       soul of Adam were still in the making.

                              Instead of commenting on all the above items, I may explain these exaggerations with refer-
                       ence to #5 only.

                              In this connection, the following Koranic statement is quite informative:

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