Page 55 - BV13
P. 55

4/.  Non-Muslims are all those people, who do not believe in Islam (the religion of truth). Thus
                       People of the Book i.e., the Jews and Christians, are equally infidels like the Hindus, the Bud-
                       dhists, the atheists, etc., and must be killed unless they submit before the Islamic sword and live as
                       tributaries (zimmie) to acknowledge their humiliation through payment of Jaziyah i.e. Poll Tax.

                       5/. Jehad automatically becomes obligatory on a Muslim when people do not practice what Allah
                       and Muhammad have prescribed as the proper way of life.

                              The following are the cardinal points of  Jehad and must be noted carefully for proper un-
                       derstanding of this discussion:

                       (a) Jehad is all about massacre, mutilation and misery, and not about any moral, social or humani-
                       tarian service as the Muslim divines pretend.

                              Again, there is a direct connection between  jehad (murdering non-Muslims) and paradise
                       i.e. the provision of the choicest sex-after-death in the most hilarious settings ebullient with pleas-
                       ures, presents and pleasantries.

                              Having sex after death is a novel concept, which can be realized by terrorizing, tearing and
                       tyrannizing the non-Muslims. The commission of atrocities against infidels makes Allah honor-
                       bound to offer paradise as a gift to a Muslim!

                       (b) Islam is the only true way of life: the rest is fake, foul and felonious; the People of the Book
                       i.e., the Jews and Christians, are not believers but infidels. They must be murdered or enslaved.

                              The True Way of Life i.e., Islam, has been prescribed by Muhammad and Allah jointly, and
                       not just by Allah. This is the reason that  Kalmah i.e. the fundamental confession that purifies one
                       to become a Muslim, allots an equal status to Allah and Muhammad. Look at the wording of the

                              "There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is His Apostle."

                              Stating them both in one line makes them equal, but when we examine it carefully it tran-
                       spires that in practice this confession pertains to Muhammad only because a person cannot be a
                       Muslim by believing in Allah alone; he/she must believe in Muhammad as well! A hadith says:

                              "I (Muhammad) have been commanded to fight against people, till they testify to the fact
                              that there is no God but Allah, and believe in me (Muhammad) as the Messenger (from
                              the Lord)...and when they do it, their blood and riches are guaranteed protection on my
                              behalf except where it is justified by law." (Muslim 1: 31)

                              The hadith makes it crystal clear that not only belief in Muhammad is equally imperative,
                       but all guarantees of protection are to be issued in his name! Thus Allah is just a figure-head, who
                       leaves all administrative affairs to Muhammad! This is what makes Allah a scabbard and Muham-
                       mad the sword; it lowers the former to the position of skimmed milk and elevates the latter to the
                       status of cream!

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