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2. He would commit sins afterward as well, and

                       3. he needed Allah's guidance to walk on the right path and thus lacked the virtue of self-guidance.
                       How could he have guided others?

                              Now it is clear that Prophethood is just a device of dominance, which enables a person to
                       project himself as divine. The Prophet Muhammad used it more effectively than anyone else. Jesus,
                       "the Prophet of Bethlehem" could only claim to be the Son of God through his stratagem but Mu-
                       hammad established himself to be Allah's superior, who worships him along with His angels. This
                       is the highest blasphemy and the most horrible insult to God. Yet Islam claims to be the only true
                       religion of God! What a travesty of truth it is!

                              It shook my faith in Islam as the divine religion for two reasons: firstly, I could not under-
                       stand how come that in Islam it is God who worships Muhammad but in other faiths, it is people
                       who adore the Almighty. Secondly, these verses are not in keeping with the basic spirit of the Ko-
                       ran. Thus, if the Koran contradicts itself on the most fundamental issue, it cannot be the Book from

                              The primary purpose of the Koran is: "I (Allah) have not created...and mankind except to
                       worship Me. I desire of them no provision..." (The Scatterers, 51: 55)

                              Since Muhammad was born as a human, lived as a human and died as a human, the purpose
                       of his birth, according to the Koran, was also to worship Allah, and not the other way around.

                              In fact, the Koran (after formal description of Allah the Merciful and Compassionate) be-
                       gins with the following:

                              "Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all Being." (The Opening, 1: 1)

                              Again, the Koran repeats:

                              "Praise belongs to God the Lord of all Being." (The Cattle, VI: 45)

                              In fact, Allah has obsession for praise:

                              "Say (Muhammad): If the sea were ink for the Words of my Lord, the sea would be spent
                              before the Words of my Lord are spent..."

                              "Say (Muhammad) I am only a mortal the like of you (ordinary people); it is revealed to me
                              that your (people's) God is One God. So let him, who hopes for the encounter with his Lord
                              work righteousness, and not associate with his Lord's service anyone." (The Cave, 18:

                              In view of the above verses, it is blasphemous even to think that God, along with His an-
                       gels, is busy praising Muhammad day and night.

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