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P. 22

                HOPE OF ISRAEL

                M         Hi, John:                                  always very uncomfortable when some-
                                                                     one answers an issue with character as-
                          Yes, I got your reply to my last email sassination and sarcasm. I don't mind a
                          with some references attached and I also strong opinion forcefully stated but I
                A         got a second email right after it which    cringe when I hear that kind of disrespect
                          was empty except for an attachment. The
                                                                     that betrays the lack of any heartfelt in-
                          attachment was a copy of the previous      vestigation of the matter. Most of the 90
                          email so I'm not sure if you intended to   minute tape was spent denouncing you
                I         send something else. Thanks for these and  and end time apostasy in general but dur-
                          I'll look forward to anything else you
                                                                     ing the last 15 minutes or so he stated
                          find.                                      some of the arguments that we have heard
                                                                     repeated on the message board. He said a
                L         Today I went to a Jewish library to check  full counter argument will be in the
                                                                     Nov/Dec issue of PF.
                          up on the postponements. I was looking
                          for some background information on Hil-
                          lel II and that period but didn't find much.  He didn't offer anything new in terms of
                          I was rather surprised as I started reading  biblical support for Saturday. But as I
                          the Torah and in Genesis found all this was mentally reviewing it all a couple of
                B         astrology stuff. All about which personal-  hours later a thought occurred to me that
                          ity traits are controlled by which planet
                                                                     had not before. That is that since creation
                          and the zodiac and the four types of sin
                          that cause solar eclipses, i.e. 1) the incor-  week was set in motion before the crea-
                                                                     tion of the sun and moon on the 4th day, it
                          rect mourning for the death of a great could be reasonable to assert that the
                A         sage, 2) a rape of a maiden where no one   week is independent of both. Since the
                          came to her aid, 3) homosexual sodomy
                                                                     week began before the calendar markers
                          and 4) the killing of two brothers at the  were even created it can't be contained by
                          same time! Anyway they closed early to-
                                                                     them. I know someone on the board men-
                G         day of course so I didn't have much time   tioned that the week was the only non-
                          and I guess I got a bit side-tracked
                                                                     physical thing He made then but I didn't
                          evidently!                                 think of that in terms of what started first,
                                                                     the week of the new moon that begins it.
                          When I returned home I saw a new set of    Have you considered this? I know there is
                          tapes from TPM had arrived which in-       a lot of evidence for the lunar week but I
                          cluded an Oct. 30 tape entitled "Sabbath-  have to answer this point for myself too.
                          Moon Madness & New Lunacy." Maybe I'm not jumping ship but I will be urgently
                          you've heard it, it wasn't very nice. Lots  praying for guidance, as always.
                          more accusations flying than even on your
                          message board. I'm really feeling pretty   I was talking with D.H. earlier today and
                          down after listening to it. Some of the    he is doing some research on the nature of
                          parallels Bill drew and pronouncements     the "oracles," a study of the context and
                          he made have left me somewhat shaken. I literal translation of each place it is used.
                          found the tone of the tape unsettling. I'm We are going to review this together later

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