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                the end of the age' is the prophecy and Danken-  them or artifacts or any evidence, such as
                bring just brings us nearer to the total number.  graves -- plenty about pharaohs.

                Ultimately, all chosen will "make it", for God  Best wishes,
                does not fail, just as surely as no Jew will be A. S.
                lost. This is not the time, but as John points out,
                we do have an obligation to weed such a one     Comment: Unfortunately, we do not have a
                as Mr Dankenbring out of our sphere of          church in your area. All your other questions
                influence.                                      require full-blown articles which will eventu-
                                                                ally appear in the pages of the Berean Voice
                His sin isn't special. All sin leads to death.  magazine -- make sure you stay on our mailing
                And all are sinners.                            list!

                He seeks favour with men. Guards his own Dear John:
                "ego" above all else. Dreams of power and
                wealth. Accuses and persecutes as soon as he    I do hope you are well and have seen our expe-
                escapes his own persecution (regardless of ditions re the Dead Sea and the Ark which
                clear scriptures designating that as Satan's    were shown in the UK and will be NBC spe-
                role) -- just another regular guy in this world  cials in the fall.
                (age). But the time of restored justice is coming
                again and it will be made blatantly obvious to  Many people around the world, and I, have
                him that there will be no food or livlihood     wondered where you have gone as the "Tri-
                without obedience to the will of God -- and     umph Prophetic Ministries" page seems to have
                he'll turn back then as will we all.            disappeared.

                May that day come soon. Amen.                   Is this your new home???

                D. H. (Church of God anywhere)                  Ever,
                Dear Mr. Keyser:                      

                Thank you very much for sending me the mate-
                rial. I have read same with much interest.

                Do you have further info:
                1) on the Irish people -- are they the Lost Tribe
                of Israel?
                2) The Jewishness of Jesus Christ.
                3) Who changed the name from Jeshua ben
                Yousiff (Joshuah, son of Joseph) to Jesus
                Christ and why?
                4) Do you have a church in Sacto, CA?
                5) Further info on the "Immaculate Conception"
                of Jesus Christ?
                6) Why is there no direct personal writings of
                Jesus Christ or his disciples or portraits of

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